How to Set SMART Goals and Achieve Them.

Goal Setting- Smart Goals, Achieving Goals, Why Set Goals, Personal Goal Setting, Goals to Set for Yourself, Why is Goal Setting Important, Smart Goals Examples.

The process of goal setting is important because it helps you to decide and plan what you want to do with your life. Goals help us to work in the direction we want to go. If you want to succeed in life you must get into the habit of setting goals.

Why is Goal Setting Important?

-Goal setting helps you to take control of the direction you want to take in life.

-Goal setting will help you to monitor your progress.

-Goal setting will help you to Separate what is important from what is not.

Some of the things to consider when setting your goals could include:

-What do I want to achieve
-How will i achieve it
-By When
-What are the conditions and limitations
-Why do I want to reach this goal
-What are possible alternative ways of achieving them

Setting SMART Goals

Its important to know how to set goals so as to achieve them. SMART is an acronym that offers guideline on goal setting.

Specific – Goals should be clear and concise
Measurable – They should be quantifiable or easy to measure progress.
Achievable/ Attainable – They should be attainable as setting very dfficult goals may discourage you when you are unable to achieve them.
Realistic/ Relevant – Set goals that are relevant to your overall life plan.
Time-Bound/ Time Based– specify when you want the results to be achieved.

Smart Goals Examples

An example of a smart goal could be:

Save $20,000 a year for the next five years.

In conclusion, Set precise goals, be specific on dates by when you want to have achieved your goals, specify amounts so that you can measure achievement. By doing this, you’ll know exactly when you have achieved your goals.

Goal Setting: Personal Goal Setting

Personal goal setting starts with creating a picture of what you want to do with your life. Begin by identifying the long term goals say for the next 10 years and then break them into short term goals say for today, next week, next month, next 6months and so on..that will help in achieving the long term goals. Once you have your plan you then start working on it.

When setting goals for yourself, it is important that you set goals that will motivate you by ensuring that they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them.

Achieving goals

For you to be able to achieve this goals, the following tips will be helpful.

-Write down your goals as this makes them more tangible and helps you to stick to them

-Be committed to working towards your goals

-Set Goals that will Motivate You

-If you have several goals,  prioritize. Give more attention to the most important goal.

-When goal setting, break big goals into smaller goals as Keeping goals small and incremental increases the chances of achieving them .

– Set Goals that will stretch you.

-Formulate goals positively.

– Talk to someone regarding your goals as this helps in sticking to them and also let them hold you accountable to achieving them.

-Plan your first step towards achieving your goals. This could be gathering information or talking to someone in the area of your expertise.

Examples of Goals to Set for Yourself

The following are areas that you can set goals in life. The list is not exhaustive.

Career – Where do you want to reach in your career?

Education – Is there any extra knowledge you will need to gain?

Attitude – Will you need to change your mindset or change your attitude?

Financial – How much do you want to earn and by when?

Physical –will you need to engage in exercises to ensure you are in good health?

Public Service – Do you want to give back to the society? how?

Pleasure – Set time to enjoy yourself too.

In conclusion, working towards achieving goals can be difficult at times, and hard work and perseverance are necessary. Seek help from those who have better experience when necessary. Keep reviewing your goals to make any necessary adjustments and make sure to celebrate when you achieve your goals. This will keep you motivated to work on your next goal.

Goal Setting

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