Kabare Girls High School- National schools in Kenya, Location, Website, Contacts.
Kabare Girls High School is a girls boarding National school located in Kirinyaga County-Gichugu Constituency. Due to the continued expansion in physical facilities, increased enrollment and good academic performance, Kabare Girls High School was elevated from a County School to a National School in 2012.
The mission of the school is to Provide Quality and all Inclusive Education through Inculcation of Knowledge and Values which prepares members of the school community to become Skilled and Responsible Citizens in Service to Humanity.
Fees and Account Number
For details on fees and account number, kindly contact the school’s principals office.
Performance/KCSE Results
To get information concerning the school performance and KCSE results kindly contact the school principal using the contacts below.
P.O Box 69- 10300,
Telephone No: 0202027340
Mobile: 0720 043574
Email: kabaregirls@gmail.com