Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Mathematics 2016
1. What is thirteen million, eleven thousand Working Space one hundred and one in symbols?
A. 1311101
B, I301 1011
C. 13110101
D. 13011101
2. How many groups of a hundred are there in the total value of digit 5 for the number 450319.21?
A. 50
B. 500
C. 5 000
D. 50 O00
3. What is the value of
2.21 x 0.35 x 26.7/4.9 x 0.0l5 X 8.9
A. 0.03
B. 0.3
C. 3
D. 30
4. The figure drawn below is a rectangle.

What is the peiimeter of the rectangle?
A. 52 cm
B. 42 cm
C. 26 cm
D. 9 cm
5. What is 340068 divided by 17?
A. 20 O04
B. 2 004
C. 204
D. 24
6. What is the diFference between LCM of I2 and 24 and the GCD of 54 and 36?
A. 42
B. 24
C. 18
D. 6
7. What is the value of
1/4÷1/2of1/2+)(2/3 – 1/6)?
A. 11/2
B. 11/6 C. 3/4
D. 9/16
8. What is the next number in the pattern
3, 10,\5, 12, 7,1-1,9, 16,…‘?
A. 11
B. 18
c. 21
D. 23
9. The area of the trapezium JKLM drawn below is 544 en-12. Line JK is parallel to line LM and line JM is the perpendicular distance.

What is the length of line KL?
A. 12 cm
B. 16 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 28 cm
10. Six men can complete a job in 20 days. If the men Work at the same rate, how many more are needed to complete the job in 12 days?
A. l6
B. 10
C. 8
D. 10
11. The mean of ten numbers is 5&8. Nine of its numbers are 5, 9, 3, 7, 6, 4, 6, 5 and 7 What is the product of the mode and median of the numbers?
A. 54
B. 36
C. 30
D. 12
12. A businessman borrowed sh 40 000 from a lending institution at a simple interest rate of 21/2 per month. How much did he pay buck at the end of one year?
A. sh I 000
B. sh 12 000
C. sh 41 000
D. sh 52 000
13. What is the value of 2r2-t+s/s-t when r=4,s=t+2 and t=r— 1?
A. 37
B. l7
C. 12
D. 9
14. A vendor sold 2/5 of fruits to motorists and 1/4 to students. He also sold 3/7 of the remaining fi’uits to others. If the vendor was left with 168 fruits, how many fruits were sold to students?
A. 126
B. 210
C. 336
D. 840
15. The diagram below shows a plot of land drawn to scale 1:100 000.

what is the actual area of the plot, in acres?
A. 28
B. 2 800
C. 280 000
D. 28 000 000
16. Junia paid sh ll 900 for a bicycle after getting a discount of 15%. How mueh more would he have paid had he been given a discount of 10%?
A. 1 260
B. 2 100
C. 1 400
D. 700
17. A 26-seater bus and a 14-seater matatu Working Space were to transport 494 pupils to a sports meeting. If the matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many pupils did the r matatu transport?
A. 312
B. 182
C. 168
D. 13
18. Using a pair of compasses and a ruler construct a triangle UVW such that lines VW I 7cm, UV I 8cm and UW = 6cm. Draw a circle which passes through U, V and W.
What is the length of the radius of the circle?
A. 2.0 cm
B. 3.9 cm
C. 4.2 cm
D. 8.3 cm
19. The figure PQRS drawn below is a Working Space parallelogram. Angle PSR I 70°, angle PQT I 30° and line TQ = line TR.

What is the size of the angle marked x?
A. 70°
B. 80°
C. 100°
D. 120°
20. A children’s home was supplied with 40 canons of milk. Each carton contained 60 _ two-hundred millilitre packets of milk. How many litres of milk were supplied?
A. 480 000
B. 4 800
C. 2400
D. 280
21. The following stack of cubes was dipped in paint.

5 How many cubes had paint on two faces only?
A. 9
B. 22
C. 24
D. 5.0
22. dairy farmer sold milk from 8th December 2011 I to 88th March 2012. How many days did the farmer sell the milk?
A. 90
B. 91
C. 92
D. 93
23. In a school the ratio of boys to girls is 3:2. There are 600 pupils in the school. During an athletic competition 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys took part. How many pupils took part in the competition?
A. 448
B. 288
C. 200
D. 112
24. The table below shows the number of pupils absent from a class of 42 pupils, in at certain Week. ‘
Mon | Tue I Wed |Thur Fri
Girls I 4 3 2 3 5
Boys 2 3 3 2 3
What was the total class attendance for that week?
A. 12
B. 30
C. 180
D. 210
25. Construct a parallelogram WXYZ such that lines WZ = 5 cm and XY =_7.5 cm. Angle WZY = 135°. Join W to Y and Z to X and let the point ofintersection be O. What is the length of line W0?
A. 246 cm
B. 5.2 cm
C. 5.8 cm
D. 11.6 cm
26. What is 3/7(21m+42m)+5/6(18m-18n) expressed in its simpless form?
A. 6m-3m
B. 24m-3m
C. 24m-3m
D. 24m-33m
27. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh 12 000 and a commission of 3% for goods sold above sh 50 000. In a certain month, his total earnings were sh 15 O00. What was the value of the total sales?
A. sh 51 500
B. sh 65 000
C. sh I00 000
D. sh 150 000
28. The pie chart below represents the types of vehicles imported in Kenya in a certain year.

If l6 000 Mazdas were imported, how many more Toyotas than Suzukis were imported?
A. 48 000
B. 28 800
C. 19 200
D. 9 600
29. A train left town Q on Thursday at 6.45 pm and took 9 hours 30 minutes to reach town R. At what time and day did it reach town R in 24 hour clock system‘?
A. 0315 h Friday
B. 0415 h Friday
C. 0415 h Thursday
D. 1615 h Thursday
30. A cylindrical tank whose height is 3.5 m has a diameter of 2.8 m. If it is 3/5 full of water, how many more litres are needed to fin the tank? (Take π= 22/7).
A. 8 624
B. 12 936
C. 21 560
D. 34 496
31. In the quadrilateral EFGH drawn below, Working Space line EF is parallel to GH. The dotted line JG is the perpendicular height. The area of the quadrilateral is 3 600 m2.

What is the length of line EF? k
A. 72m
B. 75m
C. 90m
D. 120m
32. Halima bought the following items from a shop. 2 kg 0_/‘sugar sh 112.00
4 packets of % litre milk @ sh 40.00
1% kg cookingfat at sh 120per kg
2 kg Qfwheatflourjbr sh 210
1;’ kg ofsalt at sh 24per kg
She paid for the items using two 500 shilling notes. How much balance did she receive?
A. sh 220
B. sh 300
C. sh 494
D. sh 780
33. A watch loses 5 seconds every hour. The watch was set correct on Wednesday at 6.30 am. What time did it show at 6.30 pm the next Wednesday? .
A. 6.15 pm
B. 6.16 pm
C. 6.29 pm
D. 6.45 pm
34. A man was 27 years older than his son tcn years ago. His wife is 4 years younger than he is. lf their total age is 116 years now, how old is the son?
A. 12
B. 22
C. 45
D. 49
35. The table below shows commission charged on postal orders.

. Mary was to send sh 7000 using postal orders. Which one of the following combinations of value of orders shows the least commission she would be charged?
A. sh 4000, sh 1000, sh 1000 and sh 1000
B. sh 3000, sh 3000 and sh 1000
C. sh 4000 and sh 3000
D. sh 2000, sh 2000, sh 2000 and sh 1000
36. What is the value of x in the equation
x/4 + x-3/2 = 3?
A. 2
b. 3
C. 5
D. 6
37. The area of a square plot of land is 3.24 hectares. The owner of the plot Wanted to fence all round placing posts at intervals of 5 metres. How many posts were required?
A. 720
B. 180
C. 145
D. 144
38. The figure drawn below is a right-angled triangular prism.

What is the volume of the prism?
A. p 3 000 cm3
B. 3 200 cm3
C. 6000 cm3
D. 6 500 cm3
39. In an election, three candidates took part. The winning candidate got 0.429 of the votes east while the other two got 0.386 and 0.184 respectively. There were 84 spoilt votes. l-low many votes did the winner get?
A. l5 456
B. 32 424
C. 36 036
D. 84 000
40. A lorry was loaded with 150 cartons of cooking fat and 120 bales of flour. Each carton of cooking fat contained twelve 2kg tins. The mass of an empty carton was 500 grams. Each bale of flour contained twelve 2 kg packets. What was the total load in tonnes?
A. 6.480
B. 6.555
C. 6.615
D. 6.555
41. In the figure below lines UV and CD are parallel. Lines WX and YZ are transversals.

Which one of the following statements is true about the figure?
A. angles r and I are co-interior
B. angle j is vertically opposite to angle n
C. angle e is alternate to angle I
D. angle r corresponds to angle f
42. A farmer harvested I 200 crates of tomatoes in the year 2011. This was a 20% decrease from the year 2010. How many crates of tomatoes did the tanner harvest in the year 2010?
A. 1 500
B. l 440
C. 960
D. 240
43. The figure below represents a half of a cylindrical piece of Wood of diameter

What is the surface area of the Wood? (Take π= 27/2).
A. 6 416 cm2
B. 4 216 cm2
C. 3 908 cm2
D. 2 816 cm2
44. Chepkoech has k bananas. Omollo has two more bananas than Chepkoech. Nekesa has three bananas less than the total ‘ number that both Chepkoech and Omollo have. How many bananas do they have altogether?
A. 4k + 1
B. 4k + 3
C. 4k + 4
D. 4k + 7
45. The table below shows a bus timetable from town J to town P.

What is the distance from town M to town . N if the bus travelled at an average speed of 80 km/h?
A. 120 km
B. 140 km
C. 160 km
D. 180 km
46. The figure below represents the net of a solid.

What solid can be formed from the net‘? A. Rectangular pyramid
B. Triangular pyramid
C. Rectangular prism
D. Triangular prism
47. The table below shows bus fares to I Working Space different towns in shillings.

A man, his wife and their 3 children left Njiwa for Kanga. They stopped at Tausi and then continued with the journey to Kanga in another bus. The buses used the same table and the fare for children is half that of adults. How much did they pay altogether?
A. sh 3 750
B. sh 2 625
C. sh 2 450
D. sh l 875
48. The figure KLMN-drawn below is a square of sides 40 cm.

What is the area of the shaded part? (Take π = 3.14).
A. 1 256 cm2
B. 972 cm2
C. 628 cm2
D. 344 cm2
49. The graph shown below represents the journey of a motorist travelling from town Q to town R and back.

What is the average speed of the car for the whole journey
A. 40km/h
B. 80km/h
C. 90km/h
D. 96km/h
50. The shapes below show a sequence of a pattern.

2016 KCPE Mathematics Past Paper-Marking Scheme/Answers
1. What is thirteen million, eleven thousand Working Space one hundred and one in symbols?
D. 13011101
2. How many groups of a hundred are there in the total value of digit 5 for the number 450319.21?
B. 500
3. What is the value of
2.21 x 0.35 x 26.7/4.9 x 0.0l5 X 8.9 <
C. 3
4. The figure drawn below is a rectangle.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
A. 52 cm
5. What is 340068 divided by 17?
A. 20 O04
6. What is the difference between LCM of I2 and 24 and the GCD of 54 and 36?
A. 42
7. What is the value of
1/4÷1/2of1/2+)(2/3 – 1/6)?
B. 11/6
8. What is the next number in the pattern
3, 10,\5, 12, 7,1-1,9, 16,…‘?
A. 11
9. The area of the trapezium JKLM drawn below is 544 en-12. Line JK is parallel to line LM and line JM is the perpendicular distance.

What is the length of line KL?
C. 20 cm
10. Six men can complete a job in 20 days. If the men Work at the same rate, how many more are needed to complete the job in 12 days?
D. 10
11. The mean of ten numbers is 5&8. Nine of its numbers are 5, 9, 3, 7, 6, 4, 6, 5 and 7 What is the product of the mode and median of the numbers?
B. 36
12. A businessman borrowed sh 40 000 from a lending institution at a simple interest rate of 21/2 per month. How much did he pay buck at the end of one year?
D. sh 52 000
13. What is the value of 2r2-t+s/s-t when r=4,s=t+2 and t=r— 1?
B. l7
14. A vendor sold 2/5 of fruits to motorists and 1/4 to students. He also sold 3/7 of the remaining fi’uits to others. If the vendor was left with 168 fruits, how many fruits were sold to students?
B. 210
15. The diagram below shows a plot of land drawn to scale 1:100 000.

what is the actual area of the plot, in acres?
C. 280 000
16. Junia paid sh ll 900 for a bicycle after getting a discount of 15%. How mueh more would he have paid had he been given a discount of 10%?
A. 1 260
B. 2 100
C. 1 400
D. 700
17. A 26-seater bus and a 14-seater matatu Working Space were to transport 494 pupils to a sports meeting. If the matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many pupils did the r matatu transport?
B. 182
18. Using a pair of compasses and a ruler construct a triangle UVW such that lines VW I 7cm, UV I 8cm and UW = 6cm. Draw a circle which passes through U, V and W.
What is the length of the radius of the circle?
C. 4.2 cm
19. The figure PQRS drawn below is a Working Space parallelogram. Angle PSR I 70°, angle PQT I 30° and line TQ = line TR.

What is the size of the angle marked x?
C. 100°
20. A children’s home was supplied with 40 canons of milk. Each carton contained 60 _ two-hundred millilitre packets of milk. How many litres of milk were supplied?
D. 280
21. The following stack of cubes was dipped in paint.

5 How many cubes had paint on two faces only?
C. 24
22. dairy farmer sold milk from 8th December 2011 I to 88th March 2012. How many days did the farmer sell the milk?
C. 92
23. In a school the ratio of boys to girls is 3:2. There are 600 pupils in the school. During an athletic competition 1/6 of the girls and 1/5 of the boys took part. How many pupils took part in the competition?
D. 112
24. The table below shows the number of pupils absent from a class of 42 pupils, in at certain Week. ‘
Mon | Tue I Wed |Thur Fri
Girls I 4 3 2 3 5
Boys 2 3 3 2 3
What was the total class attendance for that week?
C. 180
25. Construct a parallelogram WXYZ such that lines WZ = 5 cm and XY =_7.5 cm. Angle WZY = 135°. Join W to Y and Z to X and let the point ofintersection be O. What is the length of line W0?
C. 5.8 cm
26. What is 3/7(21m+42m)+5/6(18m-18n) expressed in its simpless form?
B. 24m-3m
27. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh 12 000 and a commission of 3% for goods sold above sh 50 000. In a certain month, his total earnings were sh 15 O00. What was the value of the total sales?
D. sh 150 000
28. The pie chart below represents the types of vehicles imported in Kenya in a certain year.

If l6 000 Mazdas were imported, how many more Toyotas than Suzukis were imported?
D. 9 600
29. A train left town Q on Thursday at 6.45 pm and took 9 hours 30 minutes to reach town R. At what time and day did it reach town R in 24 hour clock system‘?
B. 0415 h Friday
30. A cylindrical tank whose height is 3.5 m has a diameter of 2.8 m. If it is 3/5 full of water, how many more litres are needed to fin the tank? (Take π= 22/7).
A. 8 624
31. In the quadrilateral EFGH drawn below, Working Space line EF is parallel to GH. The dotted line JG is the perpendicular height. The area of the quadrilateral is 3 600 m2.

What is the length of line EF? k
C. 90m
32. Halima bought the following items from a shop. 2 kg 0_/‘sugar sh 112.00
4 packets of % litre milk @ sh 40.00
1% kg cookingfat at sh 120per kg
2 kg Qfwheatflourjbr sh 210
1;’ kg ofsalt at sh 24per kg
She paid for the items using two 500 shilling notes. How much balance did she receive?
B. sh 300
33. A watch loses 5 seconds every hour. The watch was set correct on Wednesday at 6.30 am. What time did it show at 6.30 pm the next Wednesday? .
A. 6.15 pm
34. A man was 27 years older than his son tcn years ago. His wife is 4 years younger than he is. lf their total age is 116 years now, how old is the son?
B. 22
35. The table below shows commission charged on postal orders.

. Mary was to send sh 7000 using postal orders. Which one of the following combinations of value of orders shows the least commission she would be charged?
D. sh 2000, sh 2000, sh 2000 and sh 1000
36. What is the value of x in the equation
x/4 + x-3/2 = 3?
D. 6
37. The area of a square plot of land is 3.24 hectares. The owner of the plot Wanted to fence all round placing posts at intervals of 5 metres. How many posts were required?
D. 144
38. The figure drawn below is a right-angled triangular prism.

What is the volume of the prism?
A. p 3 000 cm3
39. In an election, three candidates took part. The winning candidate got 0.429 of the votes east while the other two got 0.386 and 0.184 respectively. There were 84 spoilt votes. l-low many votes did the winner get?
C. 36 036
40. A lorry was loaded with 150 cartons of cooking fat and 120 bales of flour. Each carton of cooking fat contained twelve 2kg tins. The mass of an empty carton was 500 grams. Each bale of flour contained twelve 2 kg packets. What was the total load in tonnes?
B. 6.555
41. In the figure below lines UV and CD are parallel. Lines WX and YZ are transversals.

Which one of the following statements is true about the figure?
D. angle r corresponds to angle f
42. A farmer harvested I 200 crates of tomatoes in the year 2011. This was a 20% decrease from the year 2010. How many crates of tomatoes did the tanner harvest in the year 2010?
A. 1 500
43. The figure below represents a half of a cylindrical piece of Wood of diameter

What is the surface area of the Wood? (Take π= 27/2).
B. 4 216 cm2
44. Chepkoech has k bananas. Omollo has two more bananas than Chepkoech. Nekesa has three bananas less than the total ‘ number that both Chepkoech and Omollo have. How many bananas do they have altogether?
A. 4k + 1
45. The table below shows a bus timetable from town J to town P.

What is the distance from town M to town . N if the bus travelled at an average speed of 80 km/h?
A. 120 km
46. The figure below represents the net of a solid.

What solid can be formed from the net‘?
B. Triangular pyramid
47. The table below shows bus fares to I Working Space different towns in shillings.

A man, his wife and their 3 children left Njiwa for Kanga. They stopped at Tausi and then continued with the journey to Kanga in another bus. The buses used the same table and the fare for children is half that of adults. How much did they pay altogether?
B. sh 2 625
48. The figure KLMN-drawn below is a square of sides 40 cm.

What is the area of the shaded part? (Take π = 3.14).
C. 628 cm2
49. The graph shown below represents the journey of a motorist travelling from town Q to town R and back.

What is the average speed of the car for the whole journey
B. 80km/h
50. The shapes below show a sequence of a pattern.

Ans D.