2017 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Past Paper-Free KCSE Past Papers with Answers.

2017 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Past Paper


March to September 2017

7 months

Mwanzo Baraka organisation is a self help group intended to improve the economic status of its members through pooling of financial resources.

Mwanzo Baraka Management Information System

The organisation sustains itself through registration fees of its members, monthly contributions, interest accrued through loans given to members, and penalties for delayed payments.

The members benefit by getting cheap loans from the organisation. Membership to the organisation is by registration.

There are two types of membership; individual and group.

Group membership constitutes two or more individuals who have common interests.

An individual member pays a registration fee of Kshs. 2,000 while a group pays Kshs. 5,000.

During the registration of individuals, personal details are captured.

When registering a group, details of the group and those of its individual members are captured.

An individual member contributes a monthly share of not less than Kshs. 1,000 to the organisation.

For those registered under a group, each member contributes a monthly share of not less than Kshs. 1,000 where Kshs. 200 is the group share contribution by the member.

All monthly contributions are treated as shares for the contributor and attract annual dividends.

Members can borrow loans from the organisation based on their total shares. Members registered as individuals can be loaned up to three times their share contribution.

The repayment period does not exceed three years and the loan attracts interest at a rate of 1.2% per month on the principal amount borrowed.

Members registered under a group can be loaned up to four times their individual share contribution.

The repayment period does not exceed four years and the loan attracts an interest at a rate of 1% per month on the principal amount borrowed.

A group can also get a group loan, amounting to three times the group’s total share contribution which attracts interest at a rate of 0.8% per month payable within five years.

All payments to the organisation are monthly and must be made by the last day of the month.

Any defaulted payments are penalised at a rate of 10% per month.

Every end of the year, the organisation determines the total interest charged on all loans and total penalties on defaulted amounts.

60% of this amount is paid as dividends to the shareholders each getting an amount proportional to their total share contributions. The balance is retained to run the organisation.

Design a computerised database system with its documentation for the Mwanzo Baraka organisation that should be able to:

1. Maintain records of members and groups.

2. Maintain records of registration fees.

3. Maintain records of monthly contributions.

4. Maintain records of loan borrowed.

5. Compute loan repayments and interest.

6. Compute income for the organisation.

7. Compute dividends to each shareholder.

8. Generate reports on demand.

2017 KCSE Computer Studies Paper 3 Past Paper-Marking Scheme/Answers

Item No. Item Maximum Marks

1. Title Page

(a) Name and index number of candidate ½

(b) Title of the project ½

(c) Year of examination ½

(d) Name of school ½

Total 2

2. Preliminary Pages

(a) Declaration ½

(b) Dedication ½

(c) Acknowledgement

(i) Existence ½

(ii) Relevance ½

(d) Table of Contents

(i) List of contents 1

(ii) Correct referencing 1

(iii) Completeness (All major headings included) 1

(e) List of Figures/tables

(i) List of figures/tables 1

(ii) Correct referencing 1

Total 7

3. Introduction

(a) Existence 1

(b) Relevance 1

Total 2

4. Analysis

(a) Problem definition 1

(b) Existing system 1

(i) Overview 1

(ii) System structure 1

(c) Proposed system 1

(i) Objectives 1

(ii) Scope of the system 1

(iii) Benefits 2

(iv) Feasibility (at least 3 @ 1 mark each) 3

Total 10

5. System Design

(a) System flow chart

(i) Correct symbols 1

(ii) Logic 1

(iii) Accompanying text 1

(b) Appropriate fields and data types (Any 20 fields @ 1 mark for every 2) 5

(c) Grouping variables into appropriate entities (at least 5 entities) 5

(d) Input design (at least 3) @ 1 mark each 3

(e) Output design (at least 4) @ 1 mark each 4

Total 20

6. System Construction

(a) Tables (at least 5 @ 1 mark each) 5

(b) Relationships (at least 4 correct links @ 1 mark each) 4

(c) Input screens (at least 4 screen @ 1 mark each) 2

(d) Data manipulation (use of any of: queries, procedures, functions, modules or combinations) to obtain the following:

(i) Members statement 3

(ii) Group statement 4

(iii) Annual income for organisation 5

(iv) Contributions 2

(v) Dividends 3

(e) Output screens (at least 3 @ 1 mark each) 3

Total 31

7. Demonstration by the Candidate

(a) Loading/running the system 1

(b) Data capture 2

(c) Navigation (use of appropriate navigation buttons) 2

(d) Data maintenance (edit, append, delete) 2

(e) Input validation (any 4 @ 1 mark) 2

(f) Results (any 5 reports with summary @ 1 mark each) 5

Total 14

8. User Manual

(a) Installation guide/requirements 1

(b) Loading process 1

(c) Navigation guide 1

(d) Procedure of generating output 1

Total 4

9. Miscellaneous

(a) Conclusion 1

(b) Recommendation 1

(c) Bibliography 1

(d) Appendices 1

Total 4

10. Documentation

(a) Binding 1

(b) Fully typed text 2

(c) All diagrams drawn using a software application tool 2

(d) Logical sequencing of content 1

Total 6

Grand Total 100