2019 KCPE Social and Religious Studies Education Past Paper-Free KCPE Past Papers with Answers.

2019 Social Studies and Religious KCPE Past Paper

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education

2019 Social Studies And Religious Education

Study the map of Banda Area and answer questions 1—7.

1. What is the direction of the veterinary office from the market at Banda town?

A. North.

B. North East.

C. South.

D. South East.

2. The approximate area of the coffee plantation in square kilometres is

A. 6 km²

B. 7 km²

C. 12 km²

D. 16 km²

3. The climate of the area around Keri market is likely to be

A. warm and dry

B. cool and wet

C. hot and wet

D. cool and dry.

4. The main means of transport in Banda area is

A. road

B. air

C. railway

D. water.

5. Which one of the following statements is true about settlement in Banda area?

A. Most settlements are found near the river.

B. The settlements are scattered.

C. Most settlements are in Banda town.

D. The settlements are found along the railway line.

6. The following economic activities are carried out in Banda area except?

A. lumbering

B. cattle keeping

C. mining

D. crop farming.

7. What evidence on the map shows that Banda town is an administrative centre?

A. Governor’s Office.

B. Law Courts.

C. Police Station.

D. Post Office.

8. The original homeland of the Nilotes was?

A. Bahr el Ghazal

B. Taita hills

C. Horn of Africa

D. Congo basin.

9. How long does the earth take to complete a rotation on its axis?

A. Twelve hours.

B. Twenty four hours.

C. Fifteen hours.

D. One hour.

10. In traditional African societies, stories were told to the children so that they could?

A. memorise the stories

B. learn the moral teachings

C. praise the story tellers

D. read story books.

11. The reason why John Speke came to Eastern Africa was to?

A. explore the source of river Nile

B. abolish slave trade

C. spread Christianity

D. set up administrative centres.

12. Three of the following are factors that influence the climate of Africa except?

A. direction of winds

B. shape of the land

C. distance from the Prime Meridian

D. height above sea level.

13. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the Coastal Bantus?

A. Taita, Pokomo, Mijikenda.

B. Abakuria, Abagusii, Abaluhya.

C. Akamba, Aembu, Ameru.

D. Pokomo, Agikuyu, Abakuria.

14. Three of the following are responsibilities of spouses in a family. Which one is not?

A. Ensuring children are in gainful employment.

B. Protecting all members of the family.

C. Ensuring proper upbringing of children.

D. Providing for the basic needs of the family.

15. Which one of the following groups of crops in Kenya were grown under subsistence farming?

A. Maize,Cabbages,Carrots

B. Cassava,sweetpotato,Millet

C. Beans,Ovacado,Rice

D. Orange,water melon,wheat

16. While crossing the road in Kenya, a pedestrian should do three of the following except

A. Check traffic lights.

B. Check right and left sides.

C. Use zebra crossing zones.

D. Run across the road.

17. Which one of the following is an effect of urban to rural migration?

A. Increased agricultural production.

B. Increased residential houses.

C. Increased market for agricultural goods.

D. Shortage of labour in the farms.

18. Which one of the following diagrams represents a traditional form of communication?

19. Which one of the following statements describes a school motto?

A. A programme followed in a school.

B. A guide that helps teachers and pupils plan their work.

C. A guide to teachers and pupils activities.

D. A statement that describes the goals pupils ought to achieve.

20. Who among the following leaders resisted the British during the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya?

A. Nabongo Mumia.

B. Waiyaki wa Hinga.

C. Koitalel Arap Samoei.

D. Karuri wa Gakure.

21. The Ruwenzori mountains were formed as a result of

A. faulting

B. folding

C. erosion

D. volcanicity.

22. Which one of the following instruments is correctly matched with the weather element it measures?

A. Thermometer — wind speed.

B. Anemometer — Atmospheric pressure.

C. Barometer — Temperature.

D. Hygrometer — Humidity.

23. Which one of the following is the best way to promote peace in a family?

A. Encouraging children to go to school.

B. Children respecting each other.

C. Discussing matters with each other.

D. Encourage sharing of work at home.

24. Which one of the following statements is true about population distribution in Kenya?

A. Majority of the people live in towns.

B. Most of the population is found in the highlands.

C. The lake region has sparse population.

D. Most people live along the valleys.

Use the map of Eastern Africa provided below to answer questions 25 to 28

25. The language group that migrated into Kenya using the route marked P is?

A. Bantus

B. Cushites

C. Nilotes

D. Semites.

26. The country marked Q is

A. Somali

B. Djibouti

C. Ethiopia

D. Eritrea.

27. The cash crop grown in the shaded area marked R is

A. Coffee

B. Tea

C. Bananas

D. Sugarcane.

28. The lake marked S was formed as a result of

A. faulting

B. human activities

C. deposition of lava

D. wind erosion.

29. Which one of the following is the main fresh water fish in Kenya?

A. Nile perch.

B. Mud fish.

C. Trout.

D. Tilapia.

30. Which one of the following plants consist of desert vegetation?

A. Open grassland.

B. Short thorny trees.

C. Tall evergreen trees.

D. Tall elephant grass.

31. Below are some conditions that favour the growing of a crop.

(i) High temperatures.

(ii) High humidity.

(iii) Moderate rainfall.

(iv) Well drained fertile soils.

The conditions described above favour the growing of

A. Cloves

B. Pyrethrum

C. Tea

D. Cotton.

32. Which one of the following activities mainly threatens the existence of natural forests in Kenya?

A. Collecting herbs for making medicine.

B Clearing the forests for settlements.

C. Destruction of trees by wild animals.

D. Felling of trees for electricity poles.

33. The government of Kenya encourages ranching among pastoralists mainly to

A. provide veterinary services

B. ensure efficient use of resources

C. increase beef production

D. improve their standards of living.

34. In traditional African societies an age- group was made up of people who

A. belonged to the same clan

B. married at the same time

C. played together

D. came from the same village.

35. The following are some characteristics of a type of vegetation

(i) Trees have needle-like waxy leaves

(ii) Trees have long tap roots

(iii) Some trees are cone shaped

(iv) Trees have thick stems

The type of vegetation described above is

A. tropical rain forest

B. savanna.

C. Mediterranean.

D. mountain.

36. The colonial system of administration applied in Mozambique was

A. Direct rule

B. Paternalism

C. Indirect rule

D. Assimilation.

37. The following statements describe characteristics of a relief region in Kenya.

(i) Low lying with an attitude of 0-250 metres.

(ii) Gently sloping land.

(iii) Few raised features.

The region described above is

A. The Nyika Plateau

B. The Rift Valley

C. Lake Basin

D. Coastal lowlands.

38. Below are statements about a town in Kenya.

(i) It is an industrial centre.

(ii) It is an educational centre.

(iii) It is a tourist town.

(iv) It is an agricultural centre.

The town described above is

A. Eldoret

B. Kisumu

C. Nairobi

D. Thika.

39. Juma a class eight pupil on his way to school witnessed his classmate being hit by a motor cycle. The right action that Juma would take is

A. Give first aid

B. Keep quiet about the matter

C. Caution the motor cycle rider

D. Call people to beat the motor cycle rider.

40. Jua kali industries are encouraged in Kenya in order to

A. attract foreign investors

B. use locally available materials

C. make use of high skilled labour

D. provide raw materials for other industries.

41. Peter has found out that his son John has been smoking cigarettes. What would be the right thing to do?

A. Take John to the police.

B. Report John to the head teacher.

C. Take John for guidance and counselling.

D. Give John a punishment.

42. Which one of the following is an economic right?

A. Right to education.

B. Right to decent housing.

C. Right to health care.

D. Right to marry.

43. Three of the following are a threat to tourism industry. Which one is not?

A. Poaching.

B. Increase in road accidents.

C. Environmental pollution.

D. Political instability.

44. Mary, a class six pupil, was asked by her teacher to name one item that is exported by Kenya. Her correct answer would be

A. electronics

B. chemicals

C. tea

D. motor vehicles.

45. One of the objectives of the Organisation of African Union (OAU) was to

A. eradicate all forms of colonialism

B. execute plans to eradicate HIV/AIDs

C. form peace keeping force

D. mediate in peace process between member states.

46 Which one of the following posts was created by the National accord following the post election violence of 2007?

A. Governor.

B. Senator.

C. Principal Secretary.

D. Prime Minister.

47. Which one of the following methods is used to extract fluorspar in Kerio Valley?

A. Shaft.

B. Open cast.

C. Panning.

D. Drilling.

48. The Berlin Conference was held by European powers in order to

A. divide Africa among the European powers

B. establish a market for their manufactured goods

C. protect their companies in the region

D. encourage their explorers to come to Africa.

49. The benefit of horticultural farming in Kenya is mainly to

A. provide employment opportunities

B. earn the country foreign exchange

C. promote development of towns

D. ensure self sufficiency in food.

50.In Kenya, the post of a Senator is filled through

A. election by members of parliament

B. appointment by the President

C. election by voters in the country

D. appointment by the civil service.

51. The following are agencies of United Nations except

A. World Health Organisation

B. The World Bank

C. The Commonwealth

D. Food and Agricultural Organisation.

52. Two communities are fighting over grazing land. The best way to resolve the conflict is by

A. imposing heavy fines on the communities

B. mediating between communities

C. ensuring that they are not armed

D. sending more police officers in the affected areas.

53. Three of the following are elements of citizenship. Which one is not?

A. Owning property in the country.

B. Obeying the laws of the country.

C. Participating in electoral process.

D. Being loyal to the country.

54. One of the factors that undermine national unity in the society is

A. participating in trade

B. participating in sporting activities

C. intermarriages between communities

D. poor distribution of resources.

55. One of the reasons why Samori Toure was defeated in the Mandinka War was that

A. the Muslim subjects rebelled against him

B. the French were supported by the British

C. he was influenced by the missionaries to surrender

D. the French interfered with his trading activities at the Coast.

56. The following are effects of lawlessness in a school. Which one is not?

A. Destruction of school property.

B. Frequent fights among pupils.

C. Lagging behind in development.

D. Improper sharing of school books.

57. Which one of the following groups of countries belong to South African Development Community?

A. Angola, Mauritius, Tanzania.

B. South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe.

C. Mali, Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

D. Zambia, Somalia, Madagascar.

58. One of the benefits of democracy is that

A. the elected leaders are above the law

B. there is respect of human rights

C. people with similar political opinion live together

D. people are made to join the ruling party.

59. Which one of the following is a function of the National government?

A. Providing security.

B. Making by-laws.

C. Providing water.

D. Collecting garbage.

60. One of the subordinate courts in Kenya is

A. Supreme Court

B. Court of Appeal

C. High Court

D. Magistrate Court.

PART II: Religious Education Section A

Christian Religious Studies

61. According to the Biblical creation stories, human beings are special mainly becausc they were.

A. allowed to live in the garden of Eden

B. given authority over other creations

C. created in the image of God

D. given names by God.

62. Which one of the following is a promise that God made to Abraham?

A. “I will give you an everlasting Kingdom.”

B. “You will serve me as a Priest.”

C. “Through you I will bless all the nations.”

D. “I will keep your kingdom strong.”

63. Who among the following people is the father of the Israelites?

A. Isaac.

B. Jacob.

C. Esau.

D. Terah.

64. During the night of passover, the first born sons of the Israelites were

A. spared by the angel of the Lord

B. purified by the elders

C. rewarded for their courage

D. dedicated to God.

65.Which one of the following was used by Moses to seal the covenant between God and the Israelites at Mount Sinai?

B. Blood of oxen.

C. Ten Commandments.

D. Rod.

66. When King Saul was tormented by an evil spirit, David helped him to calm down by

A. telling him stories

B. reading for him scriptures

C. praying for him

D. playing the harp for him

67. Which one of the following is a reason why King Ahab of Israel had Naboth killed? Because Naboth had

A. cursed God and the king

B. taken Uriah’s wife

C. refused to sell his vineyard to him

D. disrespected the king.

68. “Now go to the town of Zarephath near Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow who lives there to feed you.” (1 Kings 17:9). God said these words to Prophet

A. Elijah

B. Samuel

C. Isaiah

D. Nathan.

69. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Prophet Elisha healed Naaman of leprosy is that they should

A. be humble to their church leaders

B. have hope in difficulty

C. obey instructions

D. co-operate with people.

70. Who among the following people presented gifts to baby Jesus?

A. Anna the Prophetess.

B. Visitors from the East.

C. The shepherds.

D. Zechariah the priest.

71. When Jesus was presented in the temple for dedication by his parents, Simeon described Him as the

A. lamb of God

B. King of the Jews

C. Saviour of all people

D. Prince of peace.

72. “Take nothing with you for the trip, no walking stick, no beggar’s bag, no food, no money…” (Luke 9:3)

A lesson Christians learn from this instruction that Jesus gave to his disciples when He sent them on a mission is that they should

A. depend on God for provision

B. fast when preaching the word of God

C. not desire earthly materials

D. travel with little luggage.

73. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He has power to forgive sins?

A. Roman officer’s servant.

B. Paralysed man.

C. Blind man.

D. Ten lepers.

74. The main lesson Christians learn from the parable of the lost son is that they should

A. confess their sins

B. share their wealth with other people

C. visit new places

D. seek employment.

75. “Salvation has come to this house today.” (Luke 19:9). Jesus said these words when He visited the house of

A. Mary and Martha

B. Simon Peter’s mother-in-law

C. Jairus

D. Zaccheaus.

76. Which one of the following is the main reason why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus? He

A. was influenced by satan

B. wanted to please the Pharisees

C. wanted to get some money

D. hoped to become popular.

77. Which one of the following is a command Jesus gave to Peter after His resurrection?

A. “Take care of my lambs.”

B. “Peace be with you.”

C. “Do this in memory of me.”

D. “You must strengthen your brothers.”

78. The believers in the early church demonstrated their unity mainly by

A. visiting one another

B. sharing possessions

C. greeting one another

79. Who among the following people baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?

A. Philip

B. Andrew

C. Paul

D. Peter

80. Which one of the following fruit of the Holy Spirit was demonstrated by Tabitha when she made garments for widows?

A. Kindness

B. Humility

C. Respect

D. Tolerance

81. People in the traditional African communities pray to God while facing the mountains because the mountains are

A. closer to God

B. beautiful

C. believed to be clean

D. believed to be God’s dwelling place.

82. Which one of the following is the main reason a new born baby is given a name in both Christianity and traditional African communities? To

A. remember grandparents.

B. give identity to the baby.

C. reveal the gender of the baby.

D. remember important events.

83. Which one of the following is the best way of restoring broken relationship in traditional African communities?

A. Paying fine.

B. Sharing a meal.

C. Exchanging gifts.

D. Shaking hands.

84. Who among the following religious specialists is found in both Christianity and traditional African communities?

A. Priest.

B. Diviner.

C. Rainmaker.

D. Medium.

85. Which one of the following is the correct way of taking care of our environment?

A. Burning charcoal to get money.

B. Harvesting sand to build houses.

C. Collecting rubbish from the surroundings.

D. Washing clothes in the river.

86. Your desk-mate Damaris borrows your textbook and returns it to you when it is torn.

As a Christian, what is the best action for you to take?

A. Refuse to take the book.

B. Take it and give it to another pupil.

C. Report the matter to your teacher.

D. Take it back and repair it.

87. Your classmate Rebecca, tells you she does not like doing household duties because she says such work makes her hands rough.

As a Christian, what is the correct advice to give her? Tell her

A. to request her parents to employ a worker

B. the importance of helping in house work

C. to instruct her younger brother to do the work

D. to ask her friends to help do the work.

88. Sharon was involved in the activities listed below during school holidays.

As a Christian which one of the activities is the best use of leisure time?

A. Celebrating her birthday with friends

B. Attending her cousin’s wedding

C. Visiting her aunt

D. Participating in a charity walk.

89. Calvin, a Standard Eight pupil, discovers that three of his classmates steal mobile phones from people and sell them to get money.

They ask him to join them in the habit.

As a Christian, what is the best action for Calvin to take?

A. Refuse and tell them the dangers of stealing.

B. Avoid interacting with them.

C. Ignore them and keep quiet about it.

D. Report the matter to the class teacher.

90. Linda, your classmate, tells you that she is pregnant and the person responsible wants her to carry out an abortion.

As a Christian, what should she do? She should

A. run away from home

B. keep the baby

C. stop attending school

D. carry out the abortion.


Islamic Religious Education

61. In Surah Al-Falaq, a Muslim seeks refuge in Allah from the evil of

A. anger

B. greed

C. darkness

D. dawn.

62. According to Surah An-Nasr, Muslims should praise Allah and seek for His forgiveness because

A. they will be rewarded for good deeds

B. they will have a good relationship with Him

C. He has protected them from danger

D. He is the one who accepts repentance.

63. In which one of the following Surahs is man considered to be at a loss?

A. Al-Alaq.

B. Al-Asr.

C. An-Nas.

D. An-Nasr.

64. According to Surah Al-Quariah, a Muslim will live a pleasant life in paradise if

A. his balance of good deeds is heavy

B. he seeks forgiveness from Allah

C. his balance of good deeds is light

D. he seeks forgiveness from his parents.

65. Below are verses from Surah Al-Alaq

(i) Iqra warabbukal akram

(ii) khalaqal insaana min ’alaq

(iii) alladhi ’allama bilqalam

(iv) allamal insaana maalam ya’alam

The correct order of the above verses is

A. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)

B. (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

C. (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)

D. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv).

66. Which among the following acts makes one to be loved by Allah according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)?

A. Keeping off bad behaviour.

B. Keeping off bad friends.

C. Keeping off people’s affairs.

D. Keeping off worldly affairs.

67. The right manner of drinking according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) is

A. stopping three times to take a breath while drinking

B. starting with audhubillah before drinking

C. sitting down while drinking

D. facing Qibla while drinking.

68. A Muslim can know the direction of the Qibla by

A. looking at the time by his watch

B. looking at the direction of the wind

C. looking at the movement of the sun

D. looking at the length of his shadow.

69. Which among the following comprises of only sunnah acts of wodhD?

A. Washing the palms, washing the face, wiping the head.

B. Washing the palms, rinsing the mouth, wiping the ears.

C. Washing the palms, rinsing the mouth, washing the face.

D. Washing the palms washing the face, washing the legs.

70. Which among the following items is liable for Zakat?

A. Farm produce.

B. Household furniture.

C. Personal jewellery.

D. Home utensils.

71. Said, a Standard Seven pupil, wants to observe two days of soDoah fast every week.

Which of the following days would you recommend to him?

A. Tuesday and Thursday.

B. Tuesday and Monday.

C. Monday and Thursday.

D. Monday and Friday.

72.The main virtue demonstrated by Muslims when they observe Hajj is

A. generosity

B. patience

C. tolerance

D. obedience.

73. A Muslim says ’jazakallah when offered a present by a friend because it is a way of

A. maintaining friendship

B. thanking the giver

C. encouraging generosity

D. increasing taqwa.

74. Muslims can demonstrate the virtue of tolerance by

A. allowing non-muslims to practice their religion

B. sharing meals with neighbours

C. assisting those who are in need

D. correcting those who are in the wrong.

75.According to the Hadith on generosity.

Muslims are encouraged to spend generously because Allah will

A. love them

B. enrich them

C. spend on them

D. reward them.

76.Which among the following categories contain the names of prophets only?

A. Qabil, Nuh, Yahya Yusuf.

B. Habil, Harun, Musa, Ibrahim.

C. Yusuf, Suleiman, Zubair, Daud.

D. Yusuf, Ayub, Harun, Ilyas.

77.The Zabur was revealed to Nabi

A. Issa (A.S)

B. Dawud (A.S)

C. Musa (A.S)

D. Ibrahim (A.S)

78.An attribute of Allah that describes him as the opener is

A. Al-Baari

B. Al-Khaaliq

C. Al-Fattah

D. Al-Razzaq.

79. Which among the following statements is true about the Day of Judgement? It is the day when

A. Nabi Issa will come back

B. angels will come to earth

C. human beings will enter paradise

D. people will account for their deeds.

80. A Standard Six teacher was distributing sweets in class and one of the pupils missed.

Ali decided to give his sweet to the pupil who missed. This act by Ali demonstrated

A. sacrifice

B. hospitality

C. Ihsan

D. Shukur.

81. Fatma, a Standard Four pupil, complains to you that her father does not allow her to get out of the house or play with friends.

The right advice to give Fatma is to tell her to

A. complain to her mother

B. obey her father’s rules

C. go out and play with friends

D. do her homework.

82. In which one of the following ways do Muslims demonstrate co-operation?

A. Performing swalat in congregation.

B. Assisting the poor in the society.

C. Working together to clean the environment.

D. Selling he/a/ goods.

83. Below are events that took place during the early life of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)

(i) death of his mother Amina

(ii) taken by Halima saadiya

(iii) marriage to Bibi Khadija

(iv) journey to Sham with AbuTalib

Arrange the above events in the correct order in which they occurred

A. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

B. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)

C. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

D. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)

84.Which among the following was the first battle to be fought in Islam?

A. Badr.

B. Uhud.

C. Khandaq.

D. Hunain.

85. The reason why Muslims conquered Makka was because

A. the Qureish persecuted the Muslims who remained in Makka

B. the Quraish broke the terms of the Treaty of Hudaibiya

C. they wanted to have control of the Holy city

D. they wanted to reunite with their relatives.

86.During Hijatul Wida, the Prophet (P.b.u.h) gave his sermon at mount

A. swafaa

B. Hira

C. Arafaat

D. Thaur.

87. Muslims celebrate Idd-ul-Adha to commemorate

A. the prophet’s Hijra to Madina

B. the bravery of Nabi Yusuf(A.S)

C. the struggle of Nabi Musa (A.S)

D. the sacrifice of Nabi Ibrahim (A.S).

88. Which one of the following events took place during the month of Muharram?

A. Nabi Ibrahim (A.S) was saved from the fire

B. Nabi Musa (A.S) was saved from Firaun

C. The prophet (P.b.u.h) migrated to Madina

D. The prophet (P.b.u.h) was taken for Isra wal Miiraj

89. Who among the following prophets was ordered to construct the ark by Allah?

A. Nuh (A.S).

B. Adam (A.S).

C. Musa (A.S).

D. Ibrahim (A.S).

90. Qabeel the son of Nabi Adam killed his brother Habil because

A. Adam appointed Habil to inherit him

B. he felt that Habil was richer than him

C. Habil’s sacrifice was accepted and his was rejected

D. Habil was loved more by his parents.



61. Paramatma created the universe because he is

A. omnipotent

B. omnipresent

C. invisible

D. invincible.

62. Which one of the following groups of words describe sat — chit — Anand?

A. Divinity, eternity, knowledge.

B. Divine, accessible, knowledge.

C. Eternal, knowledge, bliss.

D. Eternal, divine, knowledge.

63. Which one of the following institutions was established by Swami Dayanand and Saraswati?

A. Arya Samaj.

B. Brahm Samaj.

C. RamKrishna Mission.

D. Hare Krishna Mission.

64. During which avatar of Lord Vishnu did Lord Shiva drink the poison?

A. Matsya.

B. Kalki.

C. Kurma.

D. Varaha.

65. Who among the following Gurus declared the Granth Sahib as a living Guru?

A. Gobind Singh.

B. Nanakdev.

C. Arjan dev.

D. Tegh bahadur.

66. A Buddhist devotee gets Nirvan by

A. doing puma in a dispa

B. meditating regularly

C. fasting always

D. getting rid of desires.

67.Which one of the following scriptures is correctly matched with its author? Author Scripture

A. Swami Bhadrabahu Kalpasutra.

B. Swami Dayanand Tirukural.

C. Sage Valmiki Satyarth Prakash.

D. Saint Thiruvalluvar Rasayan.

68. A similarity between Dhammpada and Mahabharat is that they both

A. contain the theory of law of Karma

B. lead to the practice of Ahimsa

C. are written in Sanskrit language

D. give their teachings in Katha form.

69. Which one of the following principle of Dharma should a student follow during examination?

A. Kshma.

B. Ahimsa.

C. Aparigraha.

D. Dhruti.

70. Which one of the following statements about Atrna is correct? It

A. activates the body

B. enjoys Karmas

C. experiences suffering

D. fulfils its desires.

71. Standard Seven students were given one loaf of bread each as they visited a bakery.

Gita shared her loaf of bread with a beggar. The principle practised by Gita is

A. Dharama ki kirat

B. Wand ke shakna

C. Rahit daan

D. Bharosa daan.

72. Rohit took part in the following activities during his free time.

Which one of the activities did he do without attachment?

A. He sat for the exams.

B. He represented his school in a junior competition.

C. He took part in a swimming gala.

D. He gave u ater to a stray dog.

73. Jains have their meals before sunset to

A. prevent the insects from being killed

B. help their digestion

C. give them more leisure time

D. enable them to have more time to pray.

74. The following are the beliefs of a Hindu

(i) Atma is immortal

(ii) life does not end with death

(iii) a person’s birth is according to his Karma

Which one of the following elements is mainly required to be present during the performance of Vivah Sanskar?

A. Jal.

B. Vaya.

C. Prithvi.

D. Agni.

75. Which one of the following Sanskars according to Hindu Dharma is performed at the age of six years.

A. Naam Karan

B. Upnayan

C. Nishkraman

D. Jatkarma

76. Hindu festivals are celebrated with light because it is a symbol of

A. love

B. wisdom

C. peace

D. unity.

77.The reason why Sikhs visit Aka1 Takhat Sahib in Amritsar is

A. Because the dome of the temple is covered with Gold

B. Sri Guru Gobind Singhji was intiated into Khalsa

C. Sri Guru Nanak Devji was enlightened here

D. It is the supreme seat of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji

78.Which one of the following principles of Hindu is expressed by the above statements?

A. Prarthana

B. Pranidaya

C. Punarjanam

D. Purushastha

79. Which one of the following is a ritual that is performed by a devotee during Amarnath Yatra?

A. Chanting continuously

B. Donating food

C. Fasting throughout

D. Climbing mountains.

80. Hindus make Rangoli designs on their door steps during Diwali mainly to

A. Get blessings from Lord Ram

B. Welcome Laxmi Devi

C. Beautify their homes

D. Welcome visitors.

81. Before entering a Derasar Jains touch the threshold to show respect to

A. all visitors

B. enlightened beings

D. Mijaris.

82. A teacher of Yoga gave the following instructions to her pupils for an Asana

(i) stand upright

(ii) feet together

(iii) slowly lift your arms

(iv) inhale — stand on toes

(v) stretch yourself and feel the pull

The above statements describes the

A. Ardhakti chakra

B. pad hastasan

C. Tadasam

D. Vajrasana.

83. The main reason why meditation is imponant to a yoga practitioner is because it

A. improves health

B. gives peace

C. increases concentration

D. helps self examination.

84. “You have to sacrifice your personal comfort for saving Sanatan Dharma” These words were said to Samarth Ramdas in a vision by

A. Lord Shiva

B. Lord Vishnu

C. Lord Krishna

D. Lord Ram.

85. The best way for a Hindu to observe his Dharma is by

A. doing his duty

B. having good thoughts

C. assisting in charitable causes

D. helping his community.

86. Children show their gratitude to both parents and teachers by

A. studying hard for good grades

B. running errands willingly

C. obeying and respecting them

D. assisting in educational projects.

87. Which one of the following is the wrong way of caring for trees?

A. Watering them regularly.

B. Cutting them indiscriminately.

C. Pruning the branches.

D. Giving compost to help the trees grow.

88. The Kenyan Government has banned the use of plastic bags to

A. control climate change

B. protect the animals

C. conserve the environment

D. improve the economy.

89.Namaste’. the Hindu greeting is done with folded hands and a bowed head aimed at the person’s

A. head

B. hands

C. eyes

D. heart.

90. According to the Hindu calender Adhik maas occurs

A. after two and a half years

B. in alternate years

C. after three and a half years

D. after three years.


2019 KCPE Social and Religious Studies Education Past Paper-Marking Scheme/Answers

2019 Social Studies And Religious Education

Study the map of Banda Area and answer questions 1—7.

1. What is the direction of the veterinary office from the market at Banda town?

A. North.

B.✔ North East.

C. South.

D. South East.

2. The approximate area of the coffee plantation in square kilometres is

A. 6 km²

B. 7 km²

C.✔ 12 km²

D. 16 km²

3. The climate of the area around Keri market is likely to be

A. warm and dry

B.✔ cool and wet

C. hot and wet

D. cool and dry.

4. The main means of transport in Banda area is

A.✔ road

B. air

C. railway

D. water.

5. Which one of the following statements is true about settlement in Banda area?

A. Most settlements are found near the river.

B. The settlements are scattered.

C.✔ Most settlements are in Banda town.

D. The settlements are found along the railway line.

6. The following economic activities are carried out in Banda area except?

A. lumbering

B. cattle keeping

C.✔ mining

D. crop farming.

7. What evidence on the map shows that Banda town is an administrative centre?

A.✔ Governor’s Office.

B. Law Courts.

C. Police Station.

D. Post Office.

8. The original homeland of the Nilotes was?

A.✔ Bahr el Ghazal

B. Taita hills

C. Horn of Africa

D. Congo basin.

9. How long does the earth take to complete a rotation on its axis?

A. Twelve hours.

B.✔ Twenty four hours.

C. Fifteen hours.

D. One hour.

10. In traditional African societies, stories were told to the children so that they could?

A. memorise the stories

B.✔ learn the moral teachings

C. praise the story tellers

D. read story books.

11. The reason why John Speke came to Eastern Africa was to?

A.✔ explore the source of river Nile

B. abolish slave trade

C. spread Christianity

D. set up administrative centres.

12. Three of the following are factors that influence the climate of Africa except?

A. direction of winds

B. shape of the land

C.✔ distance from the Prime Meridian

D. height above sea level.

13. Which one of the following groups of communities belong to the Coastal Bantus?

A.✔ Taita, Pokomo, Mijikenda.

B. Abakuria, Abagusii, Abaluhya.

C. Akamba, Aembu, Ameru.

D. Pokomo, Agikuyu, Abakuria.

14. Three of the following are responsibilities of spouses in a family. Which one is not?

A.✔ Ensuring children are in gainful employment.

B. Protecting all members of the family.

C. Ensuring proper upbringing of children.

D. Providing for the basic needs of the family.

15. Which one of the following groups of crops in Kenya were grown under subsistence farming?

A. Maize,Cabbages,Carrots

B. Cassava,sweetpotato,Millet

C. Beans,Ovacado,Rice

D.✔ Orange,water melon,wheat

16. While crossing the road in Kenya, a pedestrian should do three of the following except

A. Check traffic lights.

B. Check right and left sides.

C. Use zebra crossing zones.

D. Run across the road.

17. Which one of the following is an effect of urban to rural migration?

A. Increased agricultural production.

B. Increased residential houses.

C. Increased market for agricultural goods.

D. Shortage of labour in the farms.

18. Which one of the following diagrams represents a traditional form of communication?


19. Which one of the following statements describes a school motto?

A. A programme followed in a school.

B. A guide that helps teachers and pupils plan their work.

C. A guide to teachers and pupils activities.

D.✔ A statement that describes the goals pupils ought to achieve.

20. Who among the following leaders resisted the British during the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya?

A.✔ Nabongo Mumia.

B. Waiyaki wa Hinga.

C. Koitalel Arap Samoei.

D. Karuri wa Gakure.

21. The Ruwenzori mountains were formed as a result of

A. faulting

B. folding

C.✔ erosion

D. volcanicity.

22. Which one of the following instruments is correctly matched with the weather element it measures?

A. Thermometer — wind speed.

B. Anemometer — Atmospheric pressure.

C. Barometer — Temperature.

D.✔ Hygrometer — Humidity.

23. Which one of the following is the best way to promote peace in a family?

A. Encouraging children to go to school.

B. Children respecting each other.

C. Discussing matters with each other.

D.✔ Encourage sharing of work at home.

24. Which one of the following statements is true about population distribution in Kenya?

A. Majority of the people live in towns.

B. Most of the population is found in the highlands.

C. The lake region has sparse population.

D.✔ Most people live along the valleys.

Use the map of Eastern Africa provided below to answer questions 25 to 28

25. The language group that migrated into Kenya using the route marked P is?

A. Bantus

B. Cushites

C.✔ Nilotes

D. Semites.

26. The country marked Q is

A.✔ Somali

B. Djibouti

C. Ethiopia

D. Eritrea.

27. The cash crop grown in the shaded area marked R is

A. Coffee

B. Tea

C. Bananas

D.✔ Sugarcane.

28. The lake marked S was formed as a result of

A. faulting

B. human activities

C.✔ deposition of lava

D. wind erosion.

29. Which one of the following is the main fresh water fish in Kenya?

A. Nile perch.

B. Mud fish.

C.✔ Trout.

D. Tilapia.

30. Which one of the following plants consist of desert vegetation?

A. Open grassland.

B. Short thorny trees.

C.✔ Tall evergreen trees.

D. Tall elephant grass.

31. Below are some conditions that favour the growing of a crop.

(i) High temperatures.

(ii) High humidity.

(iii) Moderate rainfall.

(iv) Well drained fertile soils.

The conditions described above favour the growing of

A.✔ Cloves

B. Pyrethrum

C. Tea

D. Cotton.

32. Which one of the following activities mainly threatens the existence of natural forests in Kenya?

A. Collecting herbs for making medicine.

B✔ Clearing the forests for settlements.

C. Destruction of trees by wild animals.

D. Felling of trees for electricity poles.

33. The government of Kenya encourages ranching among pastoralists mainly to

A. provide veterinary services

B. ensure efficient use of resources

C. increase beef production

D.✔ improve their standards of living.

34. In traditional African societies an age- group was made up of people who

A. belonged to the same clan

B. married at the same time

C. played together

D. came from the same village.

35. The following are some characteristics of a type of vegetation

(i) Trees have needle-like waxy leaves

(ii) Trees have long tap roots

(iii) Some trees are cone shaped

(iv) Trees have thick stems

The type of vegetation described above is

A. tropical rain forest

B. savanna.

C. Mediterranean.

D. mountain.

36. The colonial system of administration applied in Mozambique was

A.✔ Direct rule

B. Paternalism

C. Indirect rule

D. Assimilation.

37. The following statements describe characteristics of a relief region in Kenya.

(i) Low lying with an attitude of 0-250 metres.

(ii) Gently sloping land.

(iii) Few raised features.

The region described above is

A. The Nyika Plateau

B. The Rift Valley

C. Lake Basin

D.✔ Coastal lowlands.

38. Below are statements about a town in Kenya.

(i) It is an industrial centre.

(ii) It is an educational centre.

(iii) It is a tourist town.

(iv) It is an agricultural centre.

The town described above is

A. Eldoret

B. Kisumu

C. Nairobi

D.✔ Thika.

39. Juma a class eight pupil on his way to school witnessed his classmate being hit by a motor cycle. The right action that Juma would take is

A.✔ Give first aid

B. Keep quiet about the matter

C. Caution the motor cycle rider

D. Call people to beat the motor cycle rider.

40. Jua kali industries are encouraged in Kenya in order to

A. attract foreign investors

B.✔ use locally available materials

C. make use of high skilled labour

D. provide raw materials for other industries.

41. Peter has found out that his son John has been smoking cigarettes. What would be the right thing to do?

A. Take John to the police.

B. Report John to the head teacher.

C.✔ Take John for guidance and counselling.

D. Give John a punishment.

42. Which one of the following is an economic right?

A. Right to education.

B.✔ Right to decent housing.

C. Right to health care.

D. Right to marry.

43. Three of the following are a threat to tourism industry. Which one is not?

A. Poaching.

B.✔ Increase in road accidents.

C. Environmental pollution.

D. Political instability.

44. Mary, a class six pupil, was asked by her teacher to name one item that is exported by Kenya. Her correct answer would be

A. electronics

B. chemicals

C.✔ tea

D. motor vehicles.

45. One of the objectives of the Organisation of African Union (OAU) was to

A.✔ eradicate all forms of colonialism

B. execute plans to eradicate HIV/AIDs

C. form peace keeping force

D. mediate in peace process between member states.

46 Which one of the following posts was created by the National accord following the post election violence of 2007?

A. Governor.

B. Senator.

C. Principal Secretary.

D.✔ Prime Minister.

47. Which one of the following methods is used to extract fluorspar in Kerio Valley?

A. Shaft.

B.✔ Open cast.

C. Panning.

D. Drilling.

48. The Berlin Conference was held by European powers in order to

A.✔ divide Africa among the European powers

B. establish a market for their manufactured goods

C. protect their companies in the region

D. encourage their explorers to come to Africa.

49. The benefit of horticultural farming in Kenya is mainly to

A. provide employment opportunities

B.✔ earn the country foreign exchange

C. promote development of towns

D. ensure self sufficiency in food.

50.In Kenya, the post of a Senator is filled through

A. election by members of parliament

B. appointment by the President

C.✔ election by voters in the country

D. appointment by the civil service.

51. The following are agencies of United Nations except

A. World Health Organisation

B. The World Bank

C.✔ The Commonwealth

D. Food and Agricultural Organisation.

52. Two communities are fighting over grazing land. The best way to resolve the conflict is by

A. imposing heavy fines on the communities

B.✔ mediating between communities

C. ensuring that they are not armed

D. sending more police officers in the affected areas.

53. Three of the following are elements of citizenship. Which one is not?

A.✔ Owning property in the country.

B. Obeying the laws of the country.

C. Participating in electoral process.

D. Being loyal to the country.

54. One of the factors that undermine national unity in the society is

A. participating in trade

B. participating in sporting activities

C. intermarriages between communities

D. ✔poor distribution of resources.

55. One of the reasons why Samori Toure was defeated in the Mandinka War was that

A. the Muslim subjects rebelled against him

B.✔ the French were supported by the British

C. he was influenced by the missionaries to surrender

D. the French interfered with his trading activities at the Coast.

56. The following are effects of lawlessness in a school. Which one is not?

A. Destruction of school property.

B. Frequent fights among pupils.

C.✔ Lagging behind in development.

D. Improper sharing of school books.

57. Which one of the following groups of countries belong to South African Development Community?

A.✔ Angola, Mauritius, Tanzania.

B. South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe.

C. Mali, Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

D. Zambia, Somalia, Madagascar.

58. One of the benefits of democracy is that

A. the elected leaders are above the law

B. there is respect of human rights

C. people with similar political opinion live together

D.✔ people are made to join the ruling party.

59. Which one of the following is a function of the National government?

A.✔ Providing security.

B. Making by-laws.

C. Providing water.

D. Collecting garbage.

60. One of the subordinate courts in Kenya is

A. Supreme Court

B. Court of Appeal

C. High Court

D.✔ Magistrate Court.

PART II: Religious Education Section A

Christian Religious Studies

61. According to the Biblical creation stories, human beings are special mainly becausc they were.

A. allowed to live in the garden of Eden

B. given authority over other creations

C.✔ created in the image of God

D. given names by God.

62. Which one of the following is a promise that God made to Abraham?

A. “I will give you an everlasting Kingdom.”

B. “You will serve me as a Priest.”

C. “Through you I will bless all the nations.”

D. “I will keep your kingdom strong.”

63. Who among the following people is the father of the Israelites?

A. Isaac.

B. Jacob.

C. Esau.

D.✔ Terah.

64. During the night of passover, the first born sons of the Israelites were

A.✔ spared by the angel of the Lord

B. purified by the elders

C. rewarded for their courage

D. dedicated to God.

65.Which one of the following was used by Moses to seal the covenant between God and the Israelites at Mount Sinai?

B.✔ Blood of oxen.

C. Ten Commandments.

D. Rod.

66. When King Saul was tormented by an evil spirit, David helped him to calm down by

A. telling him stories

B.✔ reading for him scriptures

C. praying for him

D. playing the harp for him

67. Which one of the following is a reason why King Ahab of Israel had Naboth killed? Because Naboth had

A. cursed God and the king

B. taken Uriah’s wife

C.✔ refused to sell his vineyard to him

D. disrespected the king.

68. “Now go to the town of Zarephath near Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow who lives there to feed you.” (1 Kings 17:9). God said these words to Prophet

A.✔ Elijah

B. Samuel

C. Isaiah

D. Nathan.

69. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Prophet Elisha healed Naaman of leprosy is that they should

A. be humble to their church leaders

B. have hope in difficulty

C. obey instructions

D.✔ co-operate with people.

70. Who among the following people presented gifts to baby Jesus?

A. Anna the Prophetess.

B.✔ Visitors from the East.

C. The shepherds.

D. Zechariah the priest.

71. When Jesus was presented in the temple for dedication by his parents, Simeon described Him as the

A. lamb of God

B. King of the Jews

C.✔ Saviour of all people

D. Prince of peace.

72. “Take nothing with you for the trip, no walking stick, no beggar’s bag, no food, no money…” (Luke 9:3)

A lesson Christians learn from this instruction that Jesus gave to his disciples when He sent them on a mission is that they should

A.✔ depend on God for provision

B. fast when preaching the word of God

C. not desire earthly materials

D. travel with little luggage.

73. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He has power to forgive sins?

A. Roman officer’s servant.

B.✔ Paralysed man.

C. Blind man.

D. Ten lepers.

74. The main lesson Christians learn from the parable of the lost son is that they should

A.✔ confess their sins

B. share their wealth with other people

C. visit new places

D. seek employment.

75. “Salvation has come to this house today.” (Luke 19:9). Jesus said these words when He visited the house of

A. Mary and Martha

B. Simon Peter’s mother-in-law

C. Jairus

D.✔ Zaccheaus.

76. Which one of the following is the main reason why Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus? He

A.✔ was influenced by satan

B. wanted to please the Pharisees

C. wanted to get some money

D. hoped to become popular.

77. Which one of the following is a command Jesus gave to Peter after His resurrection?

A.✔ “Take care of my lambs.”

B. “Peace be with you.”

C. “Do this in memory of me.”

D. “You must strengthen your brothers.”

78. The believers in the early church demonstrated their unity mainly by

A. visiting one another

B.✔ sharing possessions

C. greeting one another

79. Who among the following people baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?

A.✔ Philip

B. Andrew

C. Paul

D. Peter

80. Which one of the following fruit of the Holy Spirit was demonstrated by Tabitha when she made garments for widows?

A.✔ Kindness

B. Humility

C. Respect

D. Tolerance

81. People in the traditional African communities pray to God while facing the mountains because the mountains are

A. closer to God

B. beautiful

C. believed to be clean

D. believed to be God’s dwelling place.

82. Which one of the following is the main reason a new born baby is given a name in both Christianity and traditional African communities? To

A. remember grandparents.

B.✔ give identity to the baby.

C. reveal the gender of the baby.

D. remember important events.

83. Which one of the following is the best way of restoring broken relationship in traditional African communities?

A. Paying fine.

B.✔ Sharing a meal.

C. Exchanging gifts.

D. Shaking hands.

84. Who among the following religious specialists is found in both Christianity and traditional African communities?

A.✔ Priest.

B. Diviner.

C. Rainmaker.

D. Medium.

85. Which one of the following is the correct way of taking care of our environment?

A. Burning charcoal to get money.

B. Harvesting sand to build houses.

C.✔ Collecting rubbish from the surroundings.

D. Washing clothes in the river.

86. Your desk-mate Damaris borrows your textbook and returns it to you when it is torn.

As a Christian, what is the best action for you to take?

A. Refuse to take the book.

B. Take it and give it to another pupil.

C. Report the matter to your teacher.

D.✔ Take it back and repair it.

87. Your classmate Rebecca, tells you she does not like doing household duties because she says such work makes her hands rough.

As a Christian, what is the correct advice to give her? Tell her

A. to request her parents to employ a worker

B.✔ the importance of helping in house work

C. to instruct her younger brother to do the work

D. to ask her friends to help do the work.

88. Sharon was involved in the activities listed below during school holidays.

As a Christian which one of the activities is the best use of leisure time?

A. Celebrating her birthday with friends

B. Attending her cousin’s wedding

C. Visiting her aunt

D.✔ Participating in a charity walk.

89. Calvin, a Standard Eight pupil, discovers that three of his classmates steal mobile phones from people and sell them to get money.

They ask him to join them in the habit.

As a Christian, what is the best action for Calvin to take?

A.✔ Refuse and tell them the dangers of stealing.

B. Avoid interacting with them.

C. Ignore them and keep quiet about it.

D. Report the matter to the class teacher.

90. Linda, your classmate, tells you that she is pregnant and the person responsible wants her to carry out an abortion.

As a Christian, what should she do? She should

A. run away from home

B.✔ keep the baby

C. stop attending school

D. carry out the abortion.


Islamic Religious Education

61. In Surah Al-Falaq, a Muslim seeks refuge in Allah from the evil of

A. anger

B. greed

C. darkness

D.✔ dawn.

62. According to Surah An-Nasr, Muslims should praise Allah and seek for His forgiveness because

A. they will be rewarded for good deeds

B. they will have a good relationship with Him

C. He has protected them from danger

D.✔ He is the one who accepts repentance.

63. In which one of the following Surahs is man considered to be at a loss?

A. Al-Alaq.

B.✔ Al-Asr.

C. An-Nas.

D. An-Nasr.

64. According to Surah Al-Quariah, a Muslim will live a pleasant life in paradise if

A.✔ his balance of good deeds is heavy

B. he seeks forgiveness from Allah

C. his balance of good deeds is light

D. he seeks forgiveness from his parents.

65. Below are verses from Surah Al-Alaq

(i) Iqra warabbukal akram

(ii) khalaqal insaana min ’alaq

(iii) alladhi ’allama bilqalam

(iv) allamal insaana maalam ya’alam

The correct order of the above verses is

A. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)

B. ✔ (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

C. (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)

D. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv).

66. Which among the following acts makes one to be loved by Allah according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)?

A. Keeping off bad behaviour.

B. Keeping off bad friends.

C. Keeping off people’s affairs.

D.✔ Keeping off worldly affairs.

67. The right manner of drinking according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) is

A.✔ stopping three times to take a breath while drinking

B. starting with audhubillah before drinking

C. sitting down while drinking

D. facing Qibla while drinking.

68. A Muslim can know the direction of the Qibla by

A. looking at the time by his watch

B. looking at the direction of the wind

C.✔ looking at the movement of the sun

D. looking at the length of his shadow.

69. Which among the following comprises of only sunnah acts of wodhD?

A. Washing the palms, washing the face, wiping the head.

B.✔ Washing the palms, rinsing the mouth, wiping the ears.

C. Washing the palms, rinsing the mouth, washing the face.

D. Washing the palms washing the face, washing the legs.

70. Which among the following items is liable for Zakat?

A.✔ Farm produce.

B. Household furniture.

C. Personal jewellery.

D. Home utensils.

71. Said, a Standard Seven pupil, wants to observe two days of soDoah fast every week.

Which of the following days would you recommend to him?

A. Tuesday and Thursday.

B. Tuesday and Monday.

C.✔ Monday and Thursday.

D. Monday and Friday.

72.The main virtue demonstrated by Muslims when they observe Hajj is

A. generosity

B. patience

C. tolerance

D.✔ obedience.

73. A Muslim says ’jazakallah when offered a present by a friend because it is a way of

A. maintaining friendship

B.✔ thanking the giver

C. encouraging generosity

D. increasing taqwa.

74. Muslims can demonstrate the virtue of tolerance by

A.✔ allowing non-muslims to practice their religion

B. sharing meals with neighbours

C. assisting those who are in need

D. correcting those who are in the wrong.

75.According to the Hadith on generosity.

Muslims are encouraged to spend generously because Allah will

A. love them

B. enrich them

C.✔ spend on them

D. reward them.

76.Which among the following categories contain the names of prophets only?

A. Qabil, Nuh, Yahya Yusuf.

B. Habil, Harun, Musa, Ibrahim.

C. Yusuf, Suleiman, Zubair, Daud.

D.✔ Yusuf, Ayub, Harun, Ilyas.

77.The Zabur was revealed to Nabi

A. Issa (A.S)

B.✔ Dawud (A.S)

C. Musa (A.S)

D. Ibrahim (A.S)

78.An attribute of Allah that describes him as the opener is

A. Al-Baari

B. Al-Khaaliq

C.✔ Al-Fattah

D. Al-Razzaq.

79. Which among the following statements is true about the Day of Judgement? It is the day when

A. Nabi Issa will come back

B. angels will come to earth

C. human beings will enter paradise

D.✔ people will account for their deeds.

80. A Standard Six teacher was distributing sweets in class and one of the pupils missed.

Ali decided to give his sweet to the pupil who missed. This act by Ali demonstrated

A.✔ sacrifice

B. hospitality

C. Ihsan

D. Shukur.

81. Fatma, a Standard Four pupil, complains to you that her father does not allow her to get out of the house or play with friends.

The right advice to give Fatma is to tell her to

A. complain to her mother

B.✔ obey her father’s rules

C. go out and play with friends

D. do her homework.

82. In which one of the following ways do Muslims demonstrate co-operation?

A. Performing swalat in congregation.

B. Assisting the poor in the society.

C.✔ Working together to clean the environment.

D. Selling he/a/ goods.

83. Below are events that took place during the early life of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)

(i) death of his mother Amina

(ii) taken by Halima saadiya

(iii) marriage to Bibi Khadija

(iv) journey to Sham with AbuTalib

Arrange the above events in the correct order in which they occurred

A. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

B. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)

C. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

D.✔ (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)

84.Which among the following was the first battle to be fought in Islam?

A.✔ Badr.

B. Uhud.

C. Khandaq.

D. Hunain.

85. The reason why Muslims conquered Makka was because

A. the Qureish persecuted the Muslims who remained in Makka

B.✔ the Quraish broke the terms of the Treaty of Hudaibiya

C. they wanted to have control of the Holy city

D. they wanted to reunite with their relatives.

86.During Hijatul Wida, the Prophet (P.b.u.h) gave his sermon at mount

A. swafaa

B. Hira

C.✔ Arafaat

D. Thaur.

87. Muslims celebrate Idd-ul-Adha to commemorate

A. the prophet’s Hijra to Madina

B. the bravery of Nabi Yusuf(A.S)

C. the struggle of Nabi Musa (A.S)

D.✔ the sacrifice of Nabi Ibrahim (A.S).

88. Which one of the following events took place during the month of Muharram?

A. Nabi Ibrahim (A.S) was saved from the fire

B.✔ Nabi Musa (A.S) was saved from Firaun

C. The prophet (P.b.u.h) migrated to Madina

D. The prophet (P.b.u.h) was taken for Isra wal Miiraj

89. Who among the following prophets was ordered to construct the ark by Allah?

A.✔ Nuh (A.S).

B. Adam (A.S).

C. Musa (A.S).

D. Ibrahim (A.S).

90. Qabeel the son of Nabi Adam killed his brother Habil because

A. Adam appointed Habil to inherit him

B. he felt that Habil was richer than him

C.✔ Habil’s sacrifice was accepted and his was rejected

D. Habil was loved more by his parents.



61. Paramatma created the universe because he is

A. omnipotent

B. omnipresent

C.✔ invisible

D. invincible.

62. Which one of the following groups of words describe sat — chit — Anand?

A.✔ Divinity, eternity, knowledge.

B. Divine, accessible, knowledge.

C. Eternal, knowledge, bliss.

D. Eternal, divine, knowledge.

63. Which one of the following institutions was established by Swami Dayanand and Saraswati?

A. Arya Samaj.

B. Brahm Samaj.

C.✔ RamKrishna Mission.

D. Hare Krishna Mission.

64. During which avatar of Lord Vishnu did Lord Shiva drink the poison?

A.✔ Matsya.

B. Kalki.

C. Kurma.

D. Varaha.

65. Who among the following Gurus declared the Granth Sahib as a living Guru?

A. Gobind Singh.

B. Nanakdev.

C. Arjan dev.

D.✔ Tegh bahadur.

66. A Buddhist devotee gets Nirvan by

A. doing puma in a dispa

B.✔ meditating regularly

C. fasting always

D. getting rid of desires.

67.Which one of the following scriptures is correctly matched with its author? Author Scripture

A.✔ Swami Bhadrabahu Kalpasutra.

B. Swami Dayanand Tirukural.

C. Sage Valmiki Satyarth Prakash.

D. Saint Thiruvalluvar Rasayan.

68. A similarity between Dhammpada and Mahabharat is that they both

A. contain the theory of law of Karma

B. lead to the practice of Ahimsa

C.✔. are written in Sanskrit language

D. give their teachings in Katha form.

69. Which one of the following principle of Dharma should a student follow during examination?

A. Kshma.

B.✔ Ahimsa.

C. Aparigraha.

D. Dhruti.

70. Which one of the following statements about Atrna is correct? It

A. activates the body

B. enjoys Karmas

C. experiences suffering

D.✔ fulfils its desires.

71. Standard Seven students were given one loaf of bread each as they visited a bakery.

Gita shared her loaf of bread with a beggar. The principle practised by Gita is

A. Dharama ki kirat

B.✔ Wand ke shakna

C. Rahit daan

D. Bharosa daan.

72. Rohit took part in the following activities during his free time.

Which one of the activities did he do without attachment?

A.✔ He sat for the exams.

B. He represented his school in a junior competition.

C. He took part in a swimming gala.

D. He gave u ater to a stray dog.

73. Jains have their meals before sunset to

A. prevent the insects from being killed

B. help their digestion

C.✔ give them more leisure time

D. enable them to have more time to pray.

74. The following are the beliefs of a Hindu

(i) Atma is immortal

(ii) life does not end with death

(iii) a person’s birth is according to his Karma

Which one of the following elements is mainly required to be present during the performance of Vivah Sanskar?

A.✔ Jal.

B. Vaya.

C. Prithvi.

D. Agni.

75. Which one of the following Sanskars according to Hindu Dharma is performed at the age of six years.

A. Naam Karan

B.✔ Upnayan

C. Nishkraman

D. Jatkarma

76. Hindu festivals are celebrated with light because it is a symbol of

A. love

B. wisdom

C.✔ peace

D. unity.

77.The reason why Sikhs visit Aka1 Takhat Sahib in Amritsar is

A.✔ Because the dome of the temple is covered with Gold

B. Sri Guru Gobind Singhji was intiated into Khalsa

C. Sri Guru Nanak Devji was enlightened here

D. It is the supreme seat of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji

78.Which one of the following principles of Hindu is expressed by the above statements?

A. Prarthana

B. Pranidaya

C. Punarjanam

D.✔ Purushastha

79. Which one of the following is a ritual that is performed by a devotee during Amarnath Yatra?

A. Chanting continuously

B. Donating food

C.✔ Fasting throughout

D. Climbing mountains.

80. Hindus make Rangoli designs on their door steps during Diwali mainly to

A. Get blessings from Lord Ram

B. Welcome Laxmi Devi

C. Beautify their homes

D.✔ Welcome visitors.

81. Before entering a Derasar Jains touch the threshold to show respect to

A. all visitors

B.✔ enlightened beings

D. Mijaris.

82. A teacher of Yoga gave the following instructions to her pupils for an Asana

(i) stand upright

(ii) feet together

(iii) slowly lift your arms

(iv) inhale — stand on toes

(v) stretch yourself and feel the pull

The above statements describes the

A.✔ Ardhakti chakra

B. pad hastasan

C. Tadasam

D. Vajrasana.

83. The main reason why meditation is imponant to a yoga practitioner is because it

A. improves health

B. gives peace

C.✔ increases concentration

D. helps self examination.

84. “You have to sacrifice your personal comfort for saving Sanatan Dharma” These words were said to Samarth Ramdas in a vision by

A. Lord Shiva

B. Lord Vishnu

C. Lord Krishna

D.✔ Lord Ram.

85. The best way for a Hindu to observe his Dharma is by

A. doing his duty

B. having good thoughts

C.✔ assisting in charitable causes

D. helping his community.

86. Children show their gratitude to both parents and teachers by

A. studying hard for good grades

B.✔ running errands willingly

C. obeying and respecting them

D. assisting in educational projects.

87. Which one of the following is the wrong way of caring for trees?

A.✔ Watering them regularly.

B. Cutting them indiscriminately.

C. Pruning the branches.

D. Giving compost to help the trees grow.

88. The Kenyan Government has banned the use of plastic bags to

A. control climate change

B. protect the animals

C. conserve the environment

D.✔ improve the economy.

89.Namaste’. the Hindu greeting is done with folded hands and a bowed head aimed at the person’s

A. head

B. hands

C.✔ eyes

D. heart.

90. According to the Hindu calender Adhik maas occurs

A.✔ after two and a half years

B. in alternate years

C. after three and a half years

D. after three years.

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