Palmax business & ICT college- Fees, website, courses, intake, contacts.
A comprehensive list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Palmax business & ICT college.
Certificate Courses
Certificate in Computer Applications
Certificate in Information Technology
Certificate in Business Administration
Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management
Certificate in Sales and Marketing
Certificate in Human Resource Management
Certificate in Computer Networking
Certificate in Computer Application Packages
Certificate in Cooperative Management
Certificate in Graphic Design
Certificate in Co-operative Banking
Certificate in Front Office Operations
International Computer Driving License(ICDL)
Certified Information Communication Technology(CICT)
Certificate in Business Management
Certificate in Public Relations
Certificate in Telecommunication Engineering
Certificate in Computer Engineering and Maintenence
Buiness Information Systems
Certificate in Front Office Operation and Administration
Certificate in Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing
CPA Part I
Certificate in Computer Systems Engineering and Hardware Maintenance
Certificate in Web Design and Administration
Certificate in Computer Electronics
Certificate in Computer Hardware
Certificate in Information and Computer Technology
Certificate in Business Information Technology(BIT)
Certificate in Accounting
Certificate in Marketing
Certificate in Banking and Finance
Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies
Certificate in Banking
Certificate in Computer Programming
Certificate in Computer Aided Drawing and Design(CADD)
Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management
Certificate in Management Information and Communication Technology
Certificate in Management Skills
Certificate in Business and Office Management
Certificate in Computer Proficiency and Computer Networking Fundamentals
Information Communication Technology Technician(ICTT)
Accounting Technician Certificate(ATC)
Certificate in Front Office Management
Certificate in Computer Operation
Certificate in Public Relations and Customer Care
Certificate in Computerized Graphic Design
Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development
Certificate in Web Design and Development
Certificate in Internet Broadcasting Techniques
Certificate in Computer Proficiency
Certificate in Computer Proficiency and Accounting Applications
Certificate in Web Journalism Techniques
Certificate in Computer Studies and Information Technology
Certificate in Computerized Management
Certificate in Computerized Desktop Publisher
Certificate in Computerized Programming
Certificate in Business Management and Economics
Business Development and Management
CPS Part I
Certificate in International Marketing
Certificate in Business Languages
Certificate in Procurement
Certificate in Taxation
Certificate in Technology Transfer
Diploma Courses
Diploma in Information Technology
Diploma in Accounting
Diploma in Business Management
Diploma in Accounting/Financial Management
Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Diploma in Accountancy
Diploma in Business Administration
Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development
Higher Diploma in Business Management
Higher Diploma in Business Administration
Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management
Fee Structure
Fees varies per programme, for details on fees and account number concerning Palmax business & ICT college, kindly contact the admissions office.
Application Forms
Application forms can be obtained from the admissions office.
Website for this college will be updated when Available.
Location: 4th Floor, Eco-Bank Building, Karatina
Postal Address: P.O Box 62431-00200, Nairobi
Telephone Number: 0728595555