Cyprian Kubai Iringo is a Kenyan politician and a current Member of Parliament for Igembe Central Constituency in Meru County. Cyprian Iringo has been a member of Jubilee Party, since 2013 and an Aspirant Member of Parliament of Republic of Kenya representing Igembe Central Constituency.
Cyprian Iringo was born on March 14th, 1959.
In our research concerning the information of Cyprian Iringo’s family is not yet in public domain but we will update this information as soon as it is available.
From the reliable source, he is a married man, since there was a woman who sued him claiming that he should provide school fee of their Child.
In 1966, Cyprian Iringo attended the Kangeta Primary School for his Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) till 1972. Then from 1973 to 1976, he proceeded to Meru School, for O-Level Certificate. Later in 1977, Cyprian Iringo moved to Meru School to acquire an A-Level Certificate. Between 1979 and 1981, he joined the Kenya Polytechnic to study a CPA 1.
Cyprian Kubai Iringo Career
Cyprian Iringo was first employed by Liliaba Methodist Church of Kenya as a Chairman. Cyprian Iringo also had been a Board of Governor’s member for several schools such as Kangeta Secondary School, Nkinyang’o Day School, Kilimamungu Secondary School, Njia Special School and Nturuba Day School. From 1981 to 1997, Cyprian Iringo was employed at Barclays Bank of Kenya where he worked as a Supervisor. In 2003, he joined the Igento Coffee Society as a Chairman till 2010. From 2006 to 2012, Meru North SACCO employed him as a Vice-Chairman. In March 2013, Cyprian Iringo joined the Kenya National Assembly as a Member of Parliament.
Cyprian Kubai Iringo Net Worth
Working as a Member of Parliament in Kenya, Cyprian Iringo earns a monthly basic taxable salary of Kshs. 532,500 plus a number of allowances, thus Cyprian Iringo gets an average minimum gross salary of Ksh1,378, 000 and these allowances include mileage, sitting and responsibility perks though Cyprian Iringo’s estimated net worth for the year 2020 is still under review and will be updated as soon as it’s available.