ABC Bank Mombasa Branch- Location, Products, Services, Branches, Contacts.

ABC Bank Mombasa Branch is an indigenous Kenya bank with 35 years experience using the power of finance to support businesses and projects that benefit the people and the planet. The bank invests in customer relationships to create a web of successful and satisfied individuals and businesses that are contributing sustainable communities that effectively play their role in the economy.

ABC Bank Mombasa Branch products and services

-Asset Finance
-Money Transfer Services
-Credit Facilities
-Trade Finance


Physical Location: Shariff Nasser Investment Building, Moi Avenue
Mobile Number: +254 721-971623, +254 734-866554
Telephone Number: +254 (41) 2220428, 2226890, 2222976
Postal Address: P.O. Box: 38610 – 00800, Nairobi
Email Address: