Benjamin Dalu Stephen Tayari is a Kenyan politician and a current Member of Parliament for Kinango Constituency in Kwale County. Benjamin Tayari has been a member of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), since 2017 and an Aspirant Member of Parliament of Republic of Kenya representing Kinango Constituency.
The information about Benjamin Tayari’s date of birth is not known. Benjamin Tayari likes to keep his personal matters away from the public making it difficult to know the year he was born but this information will be updated as soon as it is available.
In our research concerning the information of Benjamin Tayari’s family is not yet in public domain but we will update the same as soon as it is available.
Benjamin Tayari likes to keep his personal life private thus the information about Benjamin Tayari’s dating life is not known. It is therefore not known whether Benjamin Tayari is married or has the children and hence, this information will be updated as soon as it is available.
In 1980, he went to Tsunza Primary School for his Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and later in 1989, moved to the Kwale High School for his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). From 1993 to 1994, Benjamin Tayari joined the Bandari College Mombasa to pursue a Diploma in Clearing, warehousing and practical freight forwarding. Between 2009 and 2011, moved to NCOI Hogeschool utrecht to take a HBO Bachelor. Later in 2016, Benjamin Tayari joined the University of Nairobi to take a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and graduated in 2019.
Benjamin Dalu Stephen Tayari Career
In 1995, Benjamin Tayari got a job at Kutmet Freight Ltd as an Operations Officer till 1997. From 2001 to 2003, Benjamin Tayari joined the Dansas Logistics as a Quality Clerk. In 2007, he was employed by the DHL Supply Chain as a Warehouse Coordinator. In 2010 till 2017, he worked at Amsterdan Holdings as a Director. In 2017, Benjamin Tayari joined the Kenya National Assembly as a Member of Parliament.
Benjamin Dalu Stephen Tayari Net Worth
Working as a Member of Parliament in Kenya, Benjamin Tayari earns a monthly basic taxable salary of Kshs. 532,500 plus a number of allowances, thus Benjamin Tayari gets an average minimum gross salary of Ksh1,378, 000 and these allowances include mileage, sitting and responsibility perks though Benjamin Tayari’s estimated net worth for the year 2020 is still under review and will be updated as soon as it’s available.