Colleges Offering Banking Courses in Kenya.

Colleges Offering Banking Courses.

The following is a list of Colleges offering Banking Courses.

Kenya Institute of Bankers – Nairobi
-Thika College of Banking and Accountancy Thika Campus
-Jackson & Associates Banking & Business School, Nairobi
-Thika College of Banking and Accountancy Nairobi Campus
Outlook Solutions Institute, Nairobi
Komarock College Of Business Studies, Kayole
-Students Network Bureau, Nairobi
Kenya Institute of Bankers – Mombasa
Kenya Institute of Bankers – Eldoret
Kenya Institute of Bankers – Kisumu

Banking Courses: Entry requirements

Entry requirements vary per institution which can be obtained from their respective websites.

Banking Courses: Duration

Duration varies per institution and this information is available from their respective websites.

Colleges offering Banking Courses