Credit Bank Limited Kitengala Branch- Location, Products, Services, Branches, Contacts.

Credit Bank Limited Kitengala Branch is a ‘My Friend, My Bank’. It had one clear vision in mind – you. Dreams and aspirations are part of you. Whether you are just starting your business or going about your hustle, success is what drives Credit Bank, to be successful as well.

Credit Bank Limited Kitengala Branch products and services

-Motor Insurance
-Property Insurance
-Development Loans


Physical Location: Safari House, Namanga Rd, 2nd floor Kitengala
Mobile Number: +254 709 072 000/+254 20 228 3000
Telephone Number: +254 709 072 000/+254 20 228 3000
Postal Address: P.O. Box: – 00100, Nairobi
Email Address: