Deans E.C.D. College- Fees, website, courses, intake, contacts.

Deans E.C.D. College- Fees, website, courses, intake, contacts.

A comprehensive list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Deans E.C.D. College.

Certificate Courses

Proficiency in Early Childhood Education
Certificate in Child Counsellling and Protection

Diploma Courses

Diploma in Education(Science)
Diploma in home economics and nutrition
Diploma in Economics of Education
Diploma in Education and Counseling
Diploma in Education(Arts)
Diploma in Medical Education
Diploma in History

Fee Structure

Fees varies per programme, for details on fees and account number concerning Deans E.C.D. College, kindly contact the admissions office.

Application Forms

Application forms can be obtained from the admissions office.


Website for this college will be updated when Available.


Location: Nairobi
Postal Address: P.O Box 25415-00603, Nairobi
Telephone Number: 0733611349

Deans E.C.D. College