Kenya Association Of Professional Counsellors- Fees, website, courses, intake, contacts.
A comprehensive list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Kenya Association Of Professional Counsellors.
Certificate Courses
Certificate in Counselling Studies
Non Communicable Diseases
Certificate in Trauma Counselling
Certificate in Community Development and Social Work
Certificate in Drug Addiction Counselling
Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy
Advanced Certificate in Counselling Supervision
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Certificate in HTS
Adherence Counselling studies
Certificate in Play Therapy
Loss And Grief
Certificate in Marriage & Family Therapy
Certificate Working With Adolescents
Drugs & Substance Abuse
Health Psychology
Peer Education
Trauma Counselling
Understanding Relationships
Working With Children
Stress Management
Adherence Counselling
Certificate in Trainer of Trainers (TOT) in Counselling Psychology
KAPC Counsellor Supervision Training
Certificate in Counselling
Certificate in HIV Testing Services (HTS)
Certificate in HIV/AIDS Counselling
Advanced Certificate in Counsellor Supervision
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers -TOT
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Staff Wellness & Counselling Services
Certificate In Play Therapy
Basic Counselling Skills
Diploma Courses
Diploma in Counselling Psychology
Diploma in Community Development and Social Work
Fee Structure
Fees varies per programme, for details on fees and account number concerning Kenya Association Of Professional Counsellors, kindly contact the admissions office.
Application Forms
Application forms can be obtained from the admissions office.
Website for this college will be updated when Available.
KAPC Head Office
Kenya Association of Professional Counselors
P.O. Box 55472 -00200 Nairobi
Tel: 254(20)- 3741051, 3741056, 3741123.
Mobile 0721296912, 0733761242
Location: Parklands 2nd Avenue, off Limuru Road.
Kisumu branch Office
Kenya Association of Professional Counselors
P.O. Box 2973 Kisumu
Tel/Fax (57)2027071, 2027959
Mobile: 0727232452, 0733770531
Location: Mamboleo Junction, Off Kakamega Road, opposite Farm Engineering Industries ltd.
Mombasa Branch Office
Kenya Association of Professional Counselors
P.O Box 41356, Mombasa 80100
Tel: +254 41 2493050 Tel/Fax : +254 41 2493373
Mobile: 0725797888, 0735992036
Location: KAPC Mombasa Office is Opposite St Joseph Catholic Church, Tudor.
KAPC Eldoret Office
Rehema Complex- 4th Floor, Ronald Ngala street
Tel: 053-2030682
Mobile: 0712141272, 0734709332