Masinde Muliro University- admissions, Fee structure, application forms, website, courses offered, student portal, contacts.
A comprehensive list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Masinde Muliro University.
Masinde Muliro University Courses
Masinde Muliro University: Undergraduate Degree Courses
Bachelor of Business Management
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Conflict Resolution
Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Disaster Management
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Bachelor of Education (CRE)
Bachelor of Education (Curriculum and Instruction)
Bachelor of Education (French)
Bachelor of Education (History)
Bachelor of Education (Kiswahili)
Bachelor of Education (Primary Option)
Bachelor of Education (Science)
Bachelor of Education and Early Childhood
Bachelor of Education(Geography)
Bachelor of Environmental Technology
Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness Management & Marketing)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics & Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics & Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture and Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science (Bio Resource Conservation and Management)
Bachelor of Science (Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Civil & Structural Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Compute Science)
Bachelor of Science (Conflict Management, Resolution and Humanitarian Assistance)
Bachelor of Science (Conservation & Management of Biological Resources)
Bachelor of Science (Disaster Management and international Diplomacy)
Bachelor of Science (Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Development)
Bachelor of Science (Disaster Preparedness )
Bachelor of Science (Disaster Preparedness and Engineering Management
Bachelor of Science (Education)
Bachelor of Science (Electrical & Communication Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Conservation and Management)
Bachelor of Science (Food Processing Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion and Sport Science)
Bachelor of Science (Optometry and Vision Sciences)
Bachelor of Science (Renewable Energy and Biofuel Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Sugar Technology)
Bachelor of Science Health Professionals Education
Bachelor of Science Health Promotion and Vision Science
Bachelor of Science Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelor of Science information Technology
Bachelor of Science Mathematics
Bachelor of Science Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Bachelor of Science Medical Laboratory Sciences
Bachelor of Science Nursing
Bachelor of Science Physics
Bachelor of Science Primary Education
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Technology (Civil and Structural Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Communication Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology (Production Engineering)
Masinde Muliro University: Master Courses
Master of Arts (Religion)
Master of Arts Applied Linguistics
Master of Arts Comparative Literature
Master of Arts (Economics)
Master of Arts History
Master of Business Administration
Master of Communication Management
Master of Diplomacy and international Relations
Master of Education (Curriculum & instruction)
Master of Education (Economics and Management Education)
Master of Education (Educational Management & Policy Studies)
Master of Education (Educational Planning & Management)
Master of Education (English)
Master of Education (Guidance and Counseling)
Master of Education (Mathematics)
Master of Education (Science Education)
Master of Environmental Technology
Master of Humanitarian Assistance
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies
Master of Science (Agricultural Information )
Master of Science (Applied Mathematics)
Master of Science (Chemistry)
Master of Science (Conflict Management and Resolution)
Master of Science (Crop Protection)
Master of Science (Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance)
Master of Science (Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Development)
Master of Science (Disaster Preparedness)
Master of Science (Environmental Biology)
Master of Science (Human Resource Management)
Master of Science (Industrial Engineering and Management)
Master of Science (Information Technology)
Master of Science (Medical Parasitology)
Master of Science (Peace and Conflict Studies)
Master of Science (Physics)
Master of Science (Pure Mathematics)
Master of Science (Science Education)
Master of Science (Statistics)
Master of Science Structural Engineering
Master of Science Water Resources Management
Masinde Muliro University: Postgraduate Diploma Courses
Postgraduate Diploma in Secondary Education
Postgraduate Diploma in Peace, Cohension & Integration Studies
Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership
Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Preparedness & Engineering Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Management & Sustainable Development
Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Management & Humatarian Assistance
Postgraduate Diploma in Conflict Management and Resolution
Masinde Muliro University: website
Masinde Muliro University: student portal
Masinde Muliro University: Fee structure
Details of the fees structure for the various programmes can be obtained from the university
Masinde Muliro University Contacts
The Registrar, Academic Affairs
Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
P.O. Box 190- 50100
Tel: 056-30873