Natural Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal

Natural Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal. Acne is a widely occurring skin irritation or human skin infection also known as Acne vulgaris or cystic acne. Acne is a most common skin problem occurring on skin surfaces where the sebaceous follicles are most abundant like the epidermal layer of face, upper torso region (both front and back). Scratching it leads to scars, which may be permanent, if not treated on time.


The symptoms of cystic acne are swelling and redness of skin regions with scaly appearance. Blackheads and numerous whiteheads commonly called comedones along with pinheads and painful pimples. There are also large papules and appearance of spot like scars in many cases.

Acne is the most common skin problem in adolescent and early adult human life mainly generated by higher levels of the reproductive hormone testosterone, which takes place in both male and female during the onset of puberty. The normal disappearance of acne scars varies greatly from person to person and the trend cannot be predicted by any means. Excessive scratching, infection in the acne or even other bruises lead to acne scars. Sometimes, chronic acne also leads to scars.

Home Remedies for Acne Scar Removal

Sandalwood and Rosewater Pack

These are the two most common remedy for acne scar removal. The mixture of sandalwood paste and rosewater can be applied over the whole face or the infected area as a face mask. The paste must be allowed to dry for an hour or more (overnight application is best), and then washed off with cold water. The sandalwood soothes and cools the acne wound, providing relief.


Fenugreek solution and fenugreek leaf paste are equally effective for acne scar removal. The fenugreek seeds can be boiled in water to prepare a solution that soothes the acne scars.

Olive Oil

Apart from being highly praised in the culinary world the olive oil is great for the skin too. For acne scar removal massage a few drops of olive oil daily over the infected areas. This moisturizing agent not only reduces acne scar it improves the skin texture as well.


Cucumber is well known for its cooling effect on skin and thus is highly praised in cosmetic industry for removing acne scars and improving the elasticity of skin, making the skin supple, young and smooth.

Indian Gooseberry Or Amla

Indian gooseberry is another great natural remedy for acne scar removal. Many recommend the creams and lotions formulated from this.

Lemon or Limes

Lemon juice or lime juice can be administered over acne wounds with the help of a cotton pad or ball. The juice lightens the scarred skin, removing the appearance of dark acne spots. The skin must soak up the juice properly before washing it with cold water.

Egg White

Use of egg whites as a face mask can be very beneficial for removing acne scars. Overnight application is recommended if one can tolerate the smell. It can be washed away with cold water later on. This works like magic in acne scar healing and reducing skin inflammation. If one is comfortable he or she can mix a few drops of lemon juice with egg white and then apply it. This method of acne scar removal is only for those who are not allergic to eggs.

Other Treatments

Apart from this, one can try and apply Aloe Vera on a regular basis on the skin too. You can try applying potato juice on the scars. A paste made from apricots can also help to lighten the skin and remove the signs of the scar.

Diet Treatments For Acne Scar

The regular diet of a person plays key role in acne scar removal method. Switching to a regular healthy, nutritious and balanced food habit accelerates cell renewal process giving rise to a healthy, naturally glowing acne scar free skin. The essential nutrients if taken in adequate amount daily through meals can boost up the immune system and helps your body in fighting acne and related problems.

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