Richard Maore Maoka is a Kenyan politician and a current Member of Parliament for Igembe North Constituency in Meru County. Richard Maoka has been a member of the Jubilee Party (JP), since 2017 and an Aspirant Member of Parliament of Republic of Kenya representing Igembe North Constituency.
Richard Maoka was born in 1962.
Between 1972 and 1978, Richard Maoka attended the Ambaru Primary School for his Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) and later in 1979, he proceeded to St. Lukes Secondary School for his Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE). Then in 1983, Richard Maoka moved to the Machakos Boys High School for his Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE). From 1988 to 1989, he joined the Hiwassee College in Tennessee in USA to study an Associate of Arts Certificate. Then in 1989 until 1991, attended the Asbury College in Kentucky in USA to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.
Richard Maoka likes to keep his personal life private thus the information about Richard Maoka’s dating life is not available. Therefore, it is not known whether Richard Maoka is married or has the children. This information, however, will be updated as soon as it is available.
Richard Maore Maoka Career
In 1985, Richard Maoka was employed by St. Luke’s Secondary School as a Teacher and then in 1987, moved to Nyambene Methodist Synod where he worked as a Youth Coordinator. From 2005 to 2007, Richard Maoka joined the Kenya African National Union (KANU) as a Deputy Secretary General. He also worked in Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, as an Assistant Minister. Between 1992 and 2007, he worked in Kenya National Assembly as a Member of Parliament for Ntonyiri Constituency. Since 2008, he is working at Euro Ceramic Limited as a Director. In 2017, Richard Maoka joined the Kenya National Assembly as a Member of Parliament for Igembe North Constituency.
Richard Maore Maoka Net Worth
Working as a Member of Parliament in Kenya, Richard Maoka earns a monthly basic taxable salary of Kshs. 532,500 plus a number of allowances, meaning Richard Maoka gets an average minimum gross salary of Ksh1,378, 000. These allowances are mileage, sitting and responsibility perks, though Richard Maoka’s estimated net worth for the year 2020 is still under the review and will be updated as soon as it is available.