Riruta Business College- Fees, website, courses, intake, contacts.
A comprehensive list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Riruta Business College.
Certificate Courses
-English (Languages)
-English and Business Studies
-English Language
-Certificate in Education and School Management
-Certificate in English Language
-Accounting – KASNEB
-Advanced Management Program
-Business Development and Management
-Business Management
-Business Management and Administration
-Business Management
-Certificate in Accountancy
-Accounting and Finance for Non-Accountants
-Accounting Technical Certificate (ATC)
-Business Studies
-Certificate in Accounting
-Certificate in Business and Office Management
-Certificate in Education of Learners with Visual Impairment
-Certificate in Business Information Systems
-Certificate Course in Management
-Certificate in Acounting and Finance
-Certificate in Business Administration
-Certificate in Business Management and Economics
-Certificate in Business Studies
-Certificate in Commercial Studies
-Certificate in Communication and Public Relations
-Certificate in Communication Skills and Public Speaking
-Certificate in Information Technology
-Certificate in Education of Learners who are deaf blind
-Certificate in Educational Audiology
-Certificate in Administration
-Certificate in Information and Computer Technology
-Certificate in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
-Business administration
-Business Information Systems
-Business Office Mangement
-Accounting Applications(Quick Books, Sage, Pastel)
-Accounting Packages(Quickbooks, sage, pastel)
-Accounting Technicians Certificate
-Advanced Certificate in Business Management
-Advanced Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management
-Advanced Certificate in Supplies Management
-Advanced Certificate in Business Administration
Diploma Courses
Fee Structure
Fees varies per programme, for details on fees and account number concerning Riruta Business College, kindly contact the admissions office.
Application Forms
Application forms can be obtained from the admissions office.
Website for this college will be updated when Available.
Location: Nairobi
Postal Address: P.O Box 20551-00100, Nairobi
Telephone Number: 0725493681