Barely five days after the deadly attack by Al Shabaab terrorists on a KDF base that left scores dead, it has now emerged that the Kenyan soldiers had Intel of an impending attack by Al Shabaab but didn’t take it seriously.
This was revealed by the Commander of Somali troops in Gedo region, General Abbas Ibrahim Gurey, who said that he shared the Intel with the Commander of the KDF unit in El Adde that was ambushed and decimated by Al Shabaab.
According to Gurey, KDF soldiers would not have died should they have acted on Intel he shared with their boss hours before the attack happened.
“We shared Intel of imminent attack with KDF. It was information we knew, the information was received, and they were ready for it,” Gurey said in a telephone interview on Sunday with VOA’s Somali service.
He noted that the initial Intel came from civilians who saw Al Shabab massing men in the area for days and they warned KDF.
“They [Al-Shabab terrorists] often sneaked into the town at night and they were well aware of the AU base,” one of the civilians allegedly reported.
During the attack, KDF soldiers were caught unaware as many of those who were killed were asleep at the time of the attack, a clear indication that they didn’t take the warning seriously.