Sigotop Career Development College – Fees, website, courses, intake, contacts.
A comprehensive list of all short courses, certificate and diploma courses offered at Sigotop Career Development College .
Certificate Courses
Certificate in Computer Aided Drawing and Design(CADD)
Certificate in Computer Operation
Certificate in Computer Programming
Certificate in Computer Repair & Maintenance
Certificate in Database Administration
Certificate in Information Technology
Certificate in Internet Broadcasting Techniques
Certificate in Micro-Computers and Applications
Certificate in N+ Networking
Certificate in Networking
Diploma Courses
IMIS Foundation Diploma
Fee Structure
Fees varies per programme, for details on fees and account number concerning Sigotop Career Development College , kindly contact the admissions office.
Application Forms
Application forms can be obtained from the admissions office.
Website for this college will be updated when Available.
Location: 2nd Floor, Alpha House
Postal Address: P.O Box 2503, Kisumu
Telephone Number: 0572020860