Colleges and Universities offering Diploma in Hotel Management.
The following is a list of Colleges and Universities offering Diploma in Hotel Management in Kenya.
Colleges Offering Diploma in Hotel Management.
–Cedat Institute , Thika
–Dawn to Dusk College, Eldoret
-East Africa Utalii Institute, Nairobi
–Eldoret Professional Accountancy & Computer College
–Eldoret Splendid College of Computer Training
–Elgon View College, Eldoret (Main Campus)
–Friends Hospital Kaimosi, Tiriki
–Gakeo College of Business Studies, Thika
–Global Institute of Management & Commerce, Nairobi
–Glory Commercial College, Kakamega
-Kenya Institute of Catering, Nairobi
-Kenya Utalii College, Nairobi
-Kiambu Institute of Hotels & Catering
–Kreston College, Nairobi
–La Contessa College, Nairobi
–Lake Nakuru Hotel and Tourism Management College, Nakuru
–Metropolitan College, Nairobi
–Nairobi Institute of Business Studies, Nairobi
–Nationwide Hotel and Tourism College, Nakuru
–Othaya Teachers College, Othaya
-Pago Airways Travel Services & Training Institute, Nairobi
-Pago Airways Travel services and Training, Nairobi
–Times College of Tourism, Mombasa
–Trans-National College, Nairobi
-Tsavo Park Hotel Institute, Voi
–Westford International Training College, Nairobi
Universities Offering Diploma in Hotel Management
–Gretsa University School of Hospitality and Tourism, Thika
–Presbyterian University of East Africa Nakuru campus, Nakuru