Friends School Kamusinga- National schools in Kenya, Location, website, Contacts.

Friends School Kamusinga- National schools in Kenya, Location, website, Contacts.

Friends School Kamusinga which was initially a Provincial School was upgraded to National school in 2011 by the Ministry of Education and is situated in the slopes of Mt. Elgon in Kimilili division in Bungoma North district in a 58-acre land.

Friends School Kamusinga was established by Allan Bradley in 1956 as a transfer unit of Friends School Kaimosi from Kaimosi in Vihiga County.

Friends School Kamusinga is an academic and extra-curricular activities giant in Kenya, and owes its consistent and stellar performance to a hard working culture, discipline, mutual understanding and assistance between the students, staff, community, old boys of the school and the school’s leadership organs (the Board of Governors (BOG) and Parents Teachers Association (PTA)).

School motto


Fees and Account Number

For details on fees and account number, kindly contact the school’s principals office.



P.O Private Bag Kimilili Tel: 05521014/05521245
0612302724- Principal’s Office
E-mail adress:

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