James Mwangi Gakuya is a Kenyan politician and a current Member of Parliament for Embakasi North Constituency in Nairobi County under Jubilee Party (JP). James Gakuya has been a member of Jubilee Party (JP), since 2013 and an Aspirant Member of Parliament of Republic of Kenya representing Embakasi North Constituency.
James Gakuya was born on December 24th, 1967.
James Gakuya likes to keep his personal life private thus the information about his family life is not known
James Gakuya likes to keep his personal life private thus the information about James Gakuya’s dating life is not known. It is therefore not known whether James Gakuya is married or has the children and hence, this information will be updated as soon as it is available.
In 1974, started his education at Makomboki Primary School to acquire a Certificate of Primary Education (CPE). Between 1982 and 1985, he went to Njiris High School for his ‘O’ Level Certificate. In 2005, James Gakuya joined the Kenya Polytechnic to pursue a Diploma in Business Administration till 2008. Then James Gakuya moved to Kenya Methodist University to pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration.
James Mwangi Gakuya Career
In 2001, James Gakuya got a job at Kamukunji Motors as a Director and then in 2003, joined the Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company as a Director. From 2004 to 2009, he got another job at Makomboki Tea Factory as a Director. In 2002, James Gakuya moved to the City Council of Nairobi as a Councillor in Muthurwa Ward within Kamukunji Constituency till 2013. In March 2013, he joined the Kenya National Assembly as a Member of Parliament for Embakasi North Constituency.
James Mwangi Gakuya Net Worth
Working as a Member of Parliament in Kenya, James Gakuya earns a monthly basic taxable salary of Kshs. 532,500 plus a number of allowances, thus James Gakuya gets an average minimum gross salary of Ksh1,378, 000 and these allowances include mileage, sitting and responsibility perks though James Gakuya’s estimated net worth for the year 2020 is still under review and will be updated as soon as it’s available.