Kagumo High- National schools in Kenya, Location, website, Contacts.
Kagumo High School is a boy’s national secondary school located between Kirichu and Kiganjo townships at Kagumo near Karatina on the Nyeri-Nairobi road. The school is considered to be one of the best high schools in Kenya.
Notable alumni
-Mr Dickson Daniel Karaba, a member of Kenyan parliament is former headmaster.
-constitutional lawyer Gibson Kamau Kuria.
-Professor Jeremiah of Waterloo University political and cultural life.
Kagumo High School made history in the 2015 KCSE results by scoring a mean score of 10.54 an A-.
Fees and Account Number
For details on fees and account number, kindly contact the school’s principals office.
Performance/KCSE Results
To get information concerning the school performance and KCSE results kindly contact the school principal using the contacts below.
P.O.Box 69
e-mail info@kagumohigh.com