Kithure Kindiki whose full name is Prof. Abraham Kithure Kindiki, is a politician. Kindiki was born in 1973, Irunduni village, Mukothima Ward, Tharaka Nithi County. He was the Senate Deputy Speaker and the current Senator for Tharaka Nithi County and Former Senate Majority Leader.
The current Jubilee Party Chief Whip Irungu Kang’ata planned and successfully ousted him from seat after he absconded and invitation by President Uhuru Kenyatta to Statehouse Nairobi for a parliamentary group meeting for the senate.
Kithure was born 16th July, 1972, Irunduni village, Mukothima Ward, Tharaka Nithi County
Kindiki completed his secondary School at Lenana School, formerly the Duke of York School, then in 1994, Prof. Kindiki was in the pioneer class of Bachelor of Laws at Moi University and 1998 graduated with a Law degree. He was retained as a graduate assistant, after an exemplary performance, before receiving a scholarship to study for his Master of Law and PhD at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Kindiki graduated with Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law and Democracy at University of Pretoria, South Africa in 2000. Prof. Kindiki continued with his studies and graduated with a PhD in International Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa in 2002.
Political Career
Prof. Kindiki said that the first propulsion to active politics was in 2008. It was while we were tabling the National Cohesion and Integration Bill which gave rise to the National Cohesion and Integration Commission that Willian Ruto walked to where we were sitting and told Kindiki that Congratulations on Kindiki’s appointment, but Ruto thought Kindiki was in the wrong place. He would serve this country better if he joined politics. It was some years back, then they parted ways.
Mr. Ruto enjoined Kindiki as one of his Lawyers for his ICC cases in 2011. This catapulted him to the political limelight and national fame because of the publicity the case attracted. He had been expected to vie for the Tharaka Nithi parliamentary seat in 2013, but his driving ambition led him to the Senate. An MP, Mburi Muiru had received praise from constituents for improving education standards so Kindiki decided to support him for a second term while he went for the Senate seat.
He was favoured due to the need for regional balancing. Tharaka Nithi County is basically divided into two namely the agriculturally rich zones Maara and Chuka-Igambang’ombe constituencies and the drier Tharaka Constituency. With the strong gubernatorial candidates, Samuel Ragwa under TNA, who won, from Maara and Petkay Miriti, under APK, from Chuka-Igambang’ombe, natural justice suggested the senator ought to have come from the lower side thus he easily defeated Kaburu Njeru under APK ticket.
Though the party intrigues bothered him and therefore he was torn between the TNA and the URP which had both seconded him to the technical team during the negotiations that led to to the Jubilee coalition.
Kindiki got married to his Dr. Joyce Gatiiria Njagi in early 2001. Joyce Gatiiria Njagi is a university lecturer. They have been blessed with two children.
Kithure Kindiki Family
Kindiki’s mother is a Methodist cleric and a housewife and lives in Irunduni village Tharaka Nithi County. He has nine siblings and all of them have got at least a Master’s degree. Prof Nyagah Kindiki, his elder brother, is a professor in Moi University.
Kithure Kindiki Contacts
-Telephone: +254 (0)20 340856/8/9, 0788380903
-on Twitter:@KithureKindiki