Colleges Offering Hairdressing Courses in Kenya.

Colleges Offering Hairdressing Courses.

The following is a list of Colleges offering Hairdressing Courses.

Ashleys Hair and Beauty Academy Buruburu
X-elle School of Hair Design and Beauty, Kisumu
Unity School of Haidressing & Beauty, Nairobi
La-Von School of Hair and Beauty, Kisumu
Lio School of Hairdressing and Beauty, Kikuyu
Floss school of Beauty and Hairdressing, Nairobi
Hairmusters College of Hair and Beauty, Athi River
Rivalas Institute of Hairdressing and Business Studies, Nakuru
Update School of Hairdressing and Beauty, Nairobi
Shilrey’s International Hair and Beauty College, Buruburu
Emmys College of Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy, Voi
Pambo School of Hair and Beauty, Kisumu
Sonu Hair And Beauty Academy, Nairobi

Hairdressing Courses: Entry requirements

Entry requirements vary per institution which can be obtained from their respective websites.

Colleges Offering Hairdressing Courses: Duration

Duration varies per institution and this information is available from their respective websites.

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