Lukenya university- courses, application forms, fee structure, contacts.
Lukenya University is a successor institution of the Lukenya Schools founded in 1992 as a medium-cost private primary school by the Family of the late Justice Kasanga Mulwa.
Application forms
Forms can be downloaded from the university
Fees Structure
School of Education
Bachelor of Education KCSE C+
38,000 Full time
27,500 School Based
Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE) KCSE C+ (C+ in the subject of specialization, C in English, C in Mathematics for Science Option and D+ in Mathematics for Humanities)
16,000 Full time
13,500 School Based
Primary Teacher Education (PTE) KCSE C
14,000 Full Time
11,000 School Based
ECDE Dip KCSE C or P1 Certificate or ECDE certificate
16,000 Full Time
13,500 School Based
14,000 Full Time
11,000 School Based
School of Business
Bachelor of Commerce
38,000/- Full time
Business Management
14,000/- Certificate
Supply Chain Management
Human Resource Management
Social Work and Public Administration
Social Work & Community Development
16,000/- Diploma
14,000/- Certificate
School of Technical Studies
General Agriculture
16,000/- Diploma
14,000/- Certificate
Building Construction Technology
Food & Beverage
Certificate in Information Technology
Admission Requirements
Certificate Courses
Lukenya university courses
Lukenya university Undergraduate Courses
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Lukenya university Diploma Courses
Diploma in Agriculture
Diploma in building and construction
Diploma in Business Management
Diploma in ECDE
Diploma in food and beverage
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Diploma in social work and community development
Diploma in supply chain Management
Diploma in Teacher Education
Lukenya university Certificate Courses
Certificate in Agriculture
Certificate in building and construction
Certificate in Business Management
Certificate in ECDE
Certificate in food and beverage
Certificate in Human Resource Management
Certificate in supply chain Management
Certificate in Teacher Education
Lukenya university contacts
The Lukenya University
P.O Box: 619 – 00204 Athi River
M: 0790-444000 / 0791-444000
E: info[at]