South Eastern Kenya University- courses, fee structure, application form, contacts.
South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) is a fully fledged University and is the successor to the South Eastern University College (SEUCO).
South Eastern Kenya University campuses
Kitui Campus
Machakos Campus
Mtito Andei Campus
Nairobi Campus
Wote Campus
Courses Offered
Certificate Courses
Craft Certificate in Sales and Marketing
Craft Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
Craft Certificate in General Agriculture
Craft Certificate in Fashion Design and Garment Making Technology
Craft Certificate in Electrical Installation
Craft Certificate in Building Construction
Craft Certificate in Building & Construction Engineering
Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing
Certificate in Electrical Installation
Certificate in Clothing Technology
Certificate in Building Construction
Certificate in Animal Health and Production
Certificate in Agriculture
Diploma Courses
Diploma in Sales and Marketing
Diploma in Sales and Marketing Management
Diploma in Range Management
Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies
Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management
Diploma in Public Relations
Diploma in Information Technology
Diploma in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Diploma in horticulture
Diploma in Food Science and Processing Technology
Diploma in Crop Protection
Diploma in Clothing Technology
Diploma in Business Management
Diploma in Building & Construction
Diploma in Apiculture and Honey Processing
Diploma in Animal Health and Production
Diploma in Agriculture
Degree Courses
Bachelor of Science(Range Management)
Bachelor of Science(Physics)
Bachelor of Science(Horticulture)
Bachelor of Science(Environmental Conservation)
Bachelor of Science(Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science Petroleum Engineering(Technology)
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering(Software Engineering)
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology(Meteorology)
Bachelor of Science in management of Agroechosystems and Environment
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Bachelor Of Science In Food Nutrition And Dieteticcs(Industry and science)
Bachelor of Science in Dry Land Agriculture and Enterprise Development
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of science in Applied Statistics with Computing(Statistics and mathematics)
Bachelor of science (Geography)
Bachelor of Science (Hydrology and Water Resourses Management)
Bachelor of Science (Fisheries Management and Aquaculture Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Bachelor of Science ( Dryland Agriculture)
Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Education(Science)
Bachelor of Education(Arts)
Bachelor of Education Arts (English and Literature)
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Arts (Economics )
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work
Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Development
Bachelor in Actuarial Science (mathematics )
Actuarial Science(Insurance)
Masters Courses
Master of Business Administration
Master Of Science In Agricultural Resource Management(Industry and science)
Master of Science in Agronomy – Crop Production
Master of Science in Agronomy – Dryland Farming
Master of Science in Agronomy – Plant Breeding
Master of Science in Environmental Legislation and Management
Master of Science in Fisheries Sciences
Master of Science in Livestock Production Systems
Master of Science in Water Resource and Environmental Engineering
Fee structure
Government sponsored students
Self sponsored students
Application forms
Application Procedures
Applications for the programmes shall be made through Official Application Forms, which are available at a non-refundable fee of Kshs.2, 000.00 for the
Undergraduate, Kshs.1, 000.00 for Diploma programmes and Kshs.500.00 for Certificate programmes.
The Forms may be obtained from:-
South Eastern Kenya University, Main Campus.
South Eastern Kenya University, Nairobi Campus, Development House, 6th Floor, Moi Avenue.
South Eastern Kenya University, Kitui Town Campus, K-rep Building 3rdand 4thFloor, Kilungya Street.
South Eastern Kenya University, Machakos Campus, AFC Building (next to the Machakos Municipal Stadium) and Kiamba Mall ( Naivas Super Cente), 4th Floor
South Eastern Kenya University, Wote Campus, Soi Plaza, 2nd Floor.
South Eastern Kenya University, Mtito Andei Campus along Nairobi-Mombasa Road
Our website and pay for the form when submitting the application.
Payment for the application forms can be made through any of the following banks country wide:
National Bank of Kenya (NBK) (SEKU Branch), Account No. 0102152862000
Equity Bank Ltd (Kitui Branch) Account No. 0720295920757
Barclay’s Bank of Kenya Ltd (Kitui Branch) Account No. 2021558152
Co-operative Bank (Kitui Branch) Account No. 01129300544600
Kenya Commercial Bank (Kitui Branch) Account No. 1127693166.
Submission of application forms
Two duly completed forms should be returned to: The Registrar (Academic and Student Affairs); South Eastern Kenya University; P. O. BOX 170-90200, KITUI OR Dropped at any of the Campuses OR Apply online and send a scanned copy of the application fee receipt/Banking Slip. Please note Copies of relevant Certificates, 2 Passport size Photographs & the application fee receipt/bank slip should be attached
Mode of study
Weekdays: 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and/or Evening 5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Saturdays 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Please make sure you indicate the campus at which you intend to study at and the mode of study.
P.O. BOX 170-90200
Kitui Nairobi 254 Kenya
Mobile: 0736116989